Guilt consumes him night and day, It never fades; it never strays.He sees the face of the victim still, The screams of terror, the fear, the chill. He hears the sound of metal on flesh And knows he’s the…Dec 18, 2022Dec 18, 2022
The sound of sadnessStrings has been my friend its how i blend in this society with this anxietyOct 5, 20181Oct 5, 20181
I will walka time there was hardest thing seemed quiet oh how the tide have turned when you were not ready to blend would you know the rightous path…Jul 6, 2018Jul 6, 2018
May be the truth is different for everyoneWhat does it feel to be normal? What does it mean to be at peace? I always thought about it. What does it feel when you are at peace? If…Nov 1, 2016Nov 1, 2016