Understanding Flutter: Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets.

12 min readMar 1, 2024


Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets.

Welcome to the exciting world of Flutter widgets, where the magic of crafting stunning user interfaces begins! Flutter, the open-source UI toolkit by Google, is revolutionizing app development by offering a seamless experience across various platforms. With Flutter, developers can create visually captivating and high-performing applications for mobile, web, and desktop — all from a single, unified codebase.

Here are some captivating insights about Flutter:

- Introduced by Google in 2017, Flutter has swiftly risen in popularity within the developer community.
- Leveraging the Dart programming language, also developed by Google, Flutter empowers developers to build robust applications.
- With features like hot reload, Flutter offers a rapid development cycle, enabling instant reflection of code changes without losing the app’s state.

Advantages of Flutter include:

  • Single codebase efficiency: Develop for multiple platforms using a unified codebase, reducing development time and complexity.
    - Expressive UI design: Flutter’s extensive collection of customizable widgets empowers developers to craft beautiful and dynamic user interfaces.
    - Native-level performance: Flutter apps compile to native machine code, ensuring exceptional performance and seamless animations across all platforms.

Understanding Widgets

In the realm of Flutter application development, widgets stand as the essential building blocks for shaping user interfaces. These widgets, akin to reusable components, range from straightforward elements like buttons and text to more intricate structures such as lists and grids. In Flutter, there are two primary widget types: StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget.

StatelessWidget: Immutable by nature, these widgets lock in their properties upon creation, representing static elements in the user interface.

StatefulWidget: Embracing mutability, these widgets dynamically change and adapt, making them suitable for elements in the user interface that respond to user input or evolve.

Organized in a hierarchical structure, Flutter widgets create what’s known as the “widget tree.” This tree mirrors the visual hierarchy of the application, with each widget detailing how it should manifest on the screen.

In essence, Flutter widgets lay the groundwork for developing visually captivating and responsive user interfaces across diverse platforms — be it mobile, web, or desktop. Empowered by Flutter’s rich library of widgets and its adaptable architecture, developers gain the efficiency to design and tailor UIs to precisely meet their application’s unique demands.

Stateful vs Stateless Widgets:

Enhance Your Flutter App’s Efficiency: Selecting the Optimal Widget (Stateful vs. Stateless).

In the realm of Flutter application development, widgets play a pivotal role, classified broadly into two categories:

Stateless Widget

Stateful Widget

Understanding State:
Before delving into the distinction between stateless and stateful widgets, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of a widget’s state.

State refers to information accessible synchronously during a widget’s creation and can undergo changes throughout its lifespan.

Put simply, the state encompasses all the data stored in the app’s memory while it’s operational, including UI elements like buttons, text styles, icons, and animations. With this understanding, let’s delve into the core of our discussion — stateful and stateless widgets, and how they differ from each other.

Unveiling Flutter Widgets: Stateless vs. Stateful Widgets

Stateful Widgets:
These widgets retain an internal state that can evolve over time. Example: A counter app where the count value fluctuates based on user interaction.

The state is mutable and subject to dynamic updates. Example: Modifying the text of a button in response to user actions.

Deployed for UI components necessitating adaptation or response to user input. Example: A form that adjusts its fields according to user input.

Involves the implementation of the createState() method to instantiate a corresponding State object. Example: The StatefulWidget class serves as the blueprint for stateful widgets.

Mandates managing state and promptly refreshing the UI correspondingly. Example: Updating the UI to reflect alterations in data fetched from an API.

Stateless Widgets:
In contrast, stateless widgets lack an internal state; their properties remain immutable. Example: Presenting static content like text or icons.

The UI undergoes complete reconstruction upon alterations in the widget’s properties. Example: Re-rendering a list of items based on modifications in the underlying data.

Suited for UI components featuring static content or minimal user interaction. Example: Exhibiting a list of items retrieved from a database.

Omit the necessity of implementing the createState() method. Example: The StatelessWidget class defines stateless widgets seamlessly.

Stateless widgets are characterized by their lightweight nature and operational efficiency. Example: Displaying UI elements that necessitate infrequent updates or minimal interaction.

Flutter — Stateful Widget

Flutter Widgets Made Easy: Choose the Right One for Every Situation.

Stateful Widgets encapsulate mutable states within them. A solid grasp of widgets and state management is imperative to comprehend Stateful Widgets. A state, defined as “an imperative changing of the user interface,” contrasts with a widget, which is “an immutable description of a part of the user interface.” For further insight into widgets and state management, refer to the following articles:

  • What are Widgets in Flutter?
  • Flutter — State Management

Widgets are categorized into two types based on states:

  1. Stateless Widget
  2. Stateful Widget

This article focuses on Stateful Widgets, comprehensively understanding their functionality and usage.

What are Stateful Widgets?

Stateful Widgets maintain mutable states that can be modified based on user input. They are responsible for managing changes to the user interface and updating views accordingly. Stateful Widgets track changes in their state and trigger the build method to rebuild their child widgets when necessary. Some examples can be CheckBox, RadioButton, Form, and TextField.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

// ignore: library_private_types_in_public_api
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();

These widgets are essential for scenarios where frequent updates or interactions are required, such as user input, interactions, or dynamic changes in the application. The basic structure of a Stateful Widget includes a Stateful Widget class and its corresponding State class.

A Stateful Widget can change when:

  1. There is a User Input included
  2. There are some User Interaction
  3. There are some Dynamic Changes

Given below is the basic structure of a Stateful Widget-

The MyApp is a class that extends the Stateful Widget. A generic method createState() creates a mutable state for the widget at a particular location and returns another class that is extended by the previous state. The _MyAppState class extends another state.

Example: Stateful Widget

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

//This function triggers the build process
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());

// StatefulWidget
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

// ignore: library_private_types_in_public_api
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 230, 255, 201),
appBar: AppBar(
leading: const Icon(Icons.menu),
backgroundColor: Colors.green,
title: const Text(
textAlign: TextAlign.start,
), // AppBar
body: const Center(
child: Text(
"StateFul Widget",
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontSize: 30),
), // Container
), // Scaffold
); // MaterialApp


Flutter — Stateless Widget

Dive into Stateless Widgets: Simplifying Flutter UI Development.

Stateless widgets are a fundamental building block in Flutter for creating user interfaces. These widgets are immutable, meaning their properties cannot change once they are initialized. They are ideal for representing static content that does not need to change based on user interaction or other factors.

In Flutter, a stateless widget is represented by a class that extends the Stateless widget class. This class must implement a build method that returns the UI representation of the widget. Since stateless widgets do not hold any state, their build method is invoked only once during the widget’s lifecycle.

Why Stateless Widgets?

When you create stateful widgets, you do it because you don’t want to use up memory in rebuilding everything on the screen.
Stateless widgets should be used for building parts of User interfaces, especially when the UI doesn’t need to be updated.
In doing so, we reserve resources and thereby optimize for performance.

Stateless widgets are lightweight and performant since they do not need to manage any internal state. They are commonly used to display static content such as text, images, icons, and buttons. Examples of stateless widgets include Text, Image, Icon, and RaisedButton.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();

So let us see what this small code snippet tells us. The name of the stateless widget is MyApp which is being called from the runApp() and extends a stateless widget. Inside this MyApp a build function is overridden and takes BuildContext as a parameter. This BuildContext is unique to every widget as it is used to locate the widget inside the widget tree.

Note: The widgets of a Flutter application are displayed in the form of a Widget Tree where we connect the parent and child widgets to show a relationship between them which then combines to form the state of your app.

The build function contains a container which is again a widget of Flutter inside which we will design the UI of the app. In the stateless widget, the build function is called only once which makes the UI of the screen.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

//This function triggers the build process
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: Scaffold(
backgroundColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 230, 255, 201),
appBar: AppBar(
leading: const Icon(Icons.menu),
backgroundColor: Colors.green,
title: const Text(
textAlign: TextAlign.start,
), // AppBar
body: const Center(
child: Text(
"Stateless Widget",
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontSize: 30),
), // Container
), // Scaffold
); // MaterialApp


Exploring Important Widgets // Hands-On Practice // Advanced Techniques

In this section, we delve into the essential widgets in Flutter, provide hands-on practice exercises, and explore advanced techniques for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

Exploring Important Widgets

Flutter offers a rich collection of widgets that enable developers to create stunning and interactive user interfaces. These widgets range from basic components like buttons and text fields to more complex elements such as lists, grids, and animations.

  • Text Widget: The Text widget is used to display text on the screen. It supports various styling options like font size, color, and alignment, making it versatile for displaying text content in Flutter apps.
  • Button Widgets: Flutter provides several button widgets like RaisedButton, FlatButton, and IconButton for creating interactive buttons. These widgets allow developers to customize button appearance and behavior according to their application requirements.
  • Container Widget: The Container widget is a versatile layout widget that allows developers to create custom UI elements by combining padding, margin, alignment, and decoration properties. It serves as a fundamental building block for designing UI layouts in Flutter.
  • ListView Widget: ListView is a scrollable list widget that displays a list of children’s widgets vertically or horizontally. It is commonly used for displaying large datasets or dynamic content that requires scrolling.
  • Image Widget: The Image widget is used to display images in Flutter apps. It supports various image sources like networks, assets, and memory, making it flexible for loading and displaying images from different sources.

These are just a few examples of the many widgets available in Flutter. By mastering these widgets, developers can create visually appealing and feature-rich user interfaces for their apps.

Hands-On Practice

To reinforce your understanding of Flutter widgets, let’s dive into some hands-on practice exercises:

  • Create a Simple Login Screen: Use the Text, TextField, and RaisedButton widgets to design a basic login screen with username and password fields and a login button.
  • Build a To-Do List App: Utilize the ListView widget to create a scrollable list of to-do items. Implement functionality to add, delete, and mark items as completed.
  • Design a Photo Gallery: Use the GridView widget to display a grid of images fetched from a network source. Add features like image loading indicators and onTap functionality to view full-size images.

These practice exercises will help you gain practical experience in using Flutter widgets and building real-world UI components.

Advanced Techniques

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, you can explore advanced techniques for enhancing your Flutter apps:

  • Custom Paint: Learn how to create custom UI elements using the CustomPaint widget and the CustomPainter class. This allows you to implement custom shapes, animations, and visual effects in your app.
  • Animations: Explore Flutter’s animation capabilities using the AnimationController, Tween, and AnimatedBuilder widgets. Create smooth animations for transitions, gestures, and UI elements to enhance the user experience.
  • State Management: Understand different state management approaches in Flutter, such as setState, Provider, Bloc, and Redux. Choose the appropriate state management solution based on your app’s complexity and scalability requirements.

By mastering these advanced techniques, you can take your Flutter app development skills to the next level and build more sophisticated and responsive user interfaces.

Real-World Applications

In this section, we’ll explore how Flutter’s widget system is applied in real-world scenarios and discuss some notable examples of Flutter-powered applications.

Flutter in Real-World Applications

  • Google Ads: Google Ads is one of the flagship products of Google that helps businesses advertise their products and services online. The Google Ads app, available on both Android and iOS platforms, is built using Flutter. It provides advertisers with a convenient way to manage their ad campaigns on the go, offering features like campaign monitoring, budget management, and performance tracking.
  • Alibaba: Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, leverages Flutter for its global shopping platform. The Alibaba app, known for its extensive product catalog, seamless user experience, and high performance, is built using Flutter. With Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities, Alibaba ensures a consistent user experience across different devices and operating systems, catering to its diverse user base worldwide.
  • Reflectly: Reflectly is a popular journaling and mindfulness app that helps users track their thoughts, moods, and emotions. Built entirely with Flutter, Reflectly offers a beautiful and intuitive user interface, personalized journaling prompts, and mood-tracking features. Flutter’s flexibility and customizability enable Reflectly to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience, fostering mental well-being and self-reflection among its users.
  • Postmuse — Instagram photo editing app: Instagram is about to become the next Facebook. That is not an exaggeration; it is simply the way things are. Facebook is seen as a tool used by your elderly uncle to snoop on your high school graduation photos.
  • And with so many new companies now using Instagram, it’s only natural to have professional-looking Instagram images. This is where PostMuse enters the picture. Instagram allows you to view, edit, and design multiple Instagram photos.
  • Pairing: Pairing is a dating social app that is one of the most intuitive and basic examples of Flutter apps available. Dating is better than Pairing since links and matches are made via the users’ real-world communities. Developing apps with Flutter feels eerily similar to native production.
  • For instance, if you create an Android or iOS, they can require numerous interactions with both operating systems.
  • Otherwise, Flutter allows you to create optimized applications for both platforms using the same resource code.

Benefits of Using Flutter in Real-World Applications

  • Faster Development: Flutter’s hot reload feature allows developers to make real-time changes to their code and see the results instantly, speeding up the development process significantly.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: With Flutter, developers can write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, web, and desktop, saving time and resources.
  • Beautiful User Interfaces: Flutter’s rich set of widgets, customizable animations, and material design principles empower developers to create visually stunning and highly interactive user interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.
  • High Performance: Flutter apps are compiled into native machine code, resulting in fast startup times, smooth animations, and excellent performance, even on low-end devices.

Wrapping Up:

As we conclude our journey through Flutter widgets, it’s evident that we’ve covered substantial ground together. We’ve delved into the intricate differences between stateful and stateless widgets, explored pivotal widgets, engaged in hands-on practice, and even delved into advanced techniques.

However, the true excitement lies in witnessing Flutter’s real-world applications. From empowering Google Ads to facilitating seamless user experiences on platforms like Alibaba, Flutter consistently proves its value. Its capacity to fashion elegant interfaces while seamlessly operating across diverse platforms positions it as a game-changer in app development.

As we bid farewell for now, let’s keep in mind that Flutter transcends being merely a tool — it’s a portal to boundless creativity and innovation. Whether you’re embarking on your coding journey or you’re a seasoned developer, there’s always something novel to unearth in the realm of Flutter widgets.

Thank you for accompanying us on this expedition. Here’s to countless more adventures in the realm of app development. Happy coding!




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