HPE Interview Experience | On-Campus

3 min readOct 18, 2023


Hello folks!

This article covers my interview experience with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE).

Along with the usual recruitment by the companies via coding round, HPE also offers a 6-month project internship, called Catch Them Young (CTY-which provides a non paid project internship opportunity with HPE), followed by 3 rounds of interview with the HPE recruiters to get a full time opportunity to work for the company.

CTY had 5 teams, each with five students, all of the same age, that came together to collaborate and work towards a project problem statement given by HPE.

To know more about the project work and the selection process into CTY, do not hesitate to jump on the link :)

Post the project, all the participants of the CTY program had an eliminative rounds of interview to secure a full time employment oppurtunity in HPE.

Round 1: Technical Round

This round started with self introduction, a quick questions on the resume, discussion about the project and solving coding problems.

Questions on the resume included questions on my go-to language, DSA, application of stacks and queues in real life, components in react and OOPs concepts like abstraction, types of inheritance with examples and the need for it.

Discussion about the project involved the brief about it, tech stacks used, my contribution, questions on the code — on the initalisations, how was the crud operations initialised,etc ( Note : This is subjected to the project statement received) and challenges faced.

Two coding questions were asked:

a. Conversion of decimal to binary.

b. Given a sorted list, to find an element in the list and its complexity. ( I used binary search algorithm).

The candidates selected in round one, proceed to round 2.

Round 2: Managerial Round

This round was a continuation to the previous, extended questions on the project and coding questions:

a. Defining structure of a simple node in the linked list, creation and insertion of an element to the linked list.

b. Given a linked list and a pointer to the location to the node to be deleted, Delete the node using only that pointer.(That total number of pointers used is restricted to one).

My approach — was to copy the next element to the current pointer, until end of linked list is reached, thereby using only one pointer.

The candidates selected in round one, proceed to round 3.

Round 3: HR

This was a light round-non technical, wherein after a brief introduction about myself, a discussion on my strengths, weaknesses, my goals, my vision on myself for the next few years were discussed.

Overall, each round spanned around an 45 minutes(HR) — 65 minutes(Technical and Managerial).

Tips & Tricks : Be confident and know your resume in and out, because resumes can decide the direction of your interview.

Not everything is about knowing everything, rather its about how much you are willing to learn given an opportunity.

This interview resulted in an experience to interact with HPE professionals and take the essence of their rich experience.

I was lucky enough to have gotten the right opportunity at the right time and thus be a part of this interview till the very end.

The gateway to this interview, in my case, was their Catch them Young program. Want to know more about the program? Read me:)

Signing Off,


