7 reasons why Leh-Ladak should be your next travel destination.

Sahana Dn
2 min readJun 18, 2023

Are you bored of IT corporate jobs And Looking for an adventurous outing Are you stuck in selecting an adventurous place in India? Want to go on a solo trip? want to visit the best place, If you are a nature lover And in search of peace and Serenity, Then Leh Ladakh is one of the best places to visit.

Lay Ladakh is one of the Union territories located amidst the Himalayan region Of northern India Referred to as The land of high passes. It is known for its standing mountains, Crystal clear lakes Etc. This region has become a popular tourist destination for adventure seekers from all over the world.

1:To Enjoy the Scenic Beauty

To witness the beauty of the leh ladakh Himalayan ranges is scintillating. if you want a break from your IT corporate job or a break from burning summer, plan a trip to Leh and Ladakh.

2:To Experience the flora and fauna

You can witness the rare species of Tibetan antelope, leopard, etc and you can never ignore the flora and fauna of the place.

3:To give your tongue a special joy different taste of the experience

You can enjoy some local food, you can try Tibetan and Nepalese food like momos, butter tea, pink tea, etc while enjoying the beauty of Leh that awesome feeling is like heaven and need to be enjoyed. chutagi is the signature food which is a dumpling soup with veggies.

4:Experience the bike ride

As you all heard, a bike ride is one of the best experiences. you can go solo or with friends if you are an adventurist. You can get the bike to ride to the highest motor riding pass in the world, sharding La

5:The beauty of lakes

Mesmerizing Pangong Lake is one of the best places to visit in Ladakh. the changing color of the lake throughout the day which an outstanding and is a natural phenomenon to witness.

6:Camel Safari

An exciting ride on a double-humped Bactrian camel is one of the happiest things you can do .apart from camel safari you can also enjoy jeep safari and yak safari.

7:serene beauty of Gompas and Monasteries

The architectural splendor of the monastery is an absolute serenity that is worth visiting. The colorful flags represent the religious belief of the local people, some of these monasteries are Thicksey Monastery, Phyang Monastery, and Spituk Monastery.

The above-mentioned reasons are the only few and you will enjoy the trip. So, what are you waiting for, pack your bags and start your journey



Sahana Dn

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