Beautiful Love Quotes You and Your Partner Need

Sahar John
4 min readOct 9, 2018


The Need for Love

There’s no better feeling that being in love with someone who loves you. The high is immense, almost heavenly. But if a relationship sinks, love can go horribly wrong. In fact, love gone wrong is nothing short of dangerous. The moment your love partner slowly becomes estranged to you, love can take control of your whole mental being, and indeed rule your life. Many of us have felt the heartbreak at some point in our lives — and at least once!

In the grand scheme of things, love is the most important thing in the world. It has empowered and continues to empower people to believe in the bigger picture of life. With love, there is always positivity and optimism.

The Power of Love Quotes:

Love quotes are inspired by love. Everyone has experienced the feeling of love at some time in their life. And if you feel you haven’t, you will, one day. Love comes when you least expect it. It’ll come fast like a sucker punch and smack you in the heart. So penetrative, love can bring out the real you. If you’ve ever loved someone so keenly before, you’ll admit that you’ve done some crazy things. You may act goofy around your partner by giving him/her ridiculous ‘pet’ names. Or, for no particular reason, you may find yourself being extremely sweet. You may even be more open about your dreams and aspirations. All these are caused by the pull of love.

Admit it, when you love someone, normal things about them will become very mind-blowing to you. Your thoughts may subconsciously craft romantic ideas about your partner. This is where love quotes emanate from; from the vastness of your loving heart. Sending your partner love quotes regularly may show him/her just how much you love them. It always puts a smile on their faces and could even make the rest of their day or week.

A love quote, when perfectly composed, can evoke strong emotions within a person that could push him/her to do something romantic in kind. Love quotes surpass the gravity of inaugural presidential speeches. Because, while the latter is recorded in history, love quotes stand the test of time, and are remembered forever. Why, because every human being born on Earth feels love.

Even till now, millions of people still write love quotes. Although love is indescribable, nothing stops you from composing or sending love quotes which at least try to explain what you feel, at that very moment. We’ve assembled a number of romantic love quotes that project what you feel inside, enjoy:

Examples of Good Love Quotes

Listed below are some very great love quotes from famous people that are not only lovely but inspiring as well:

• Love must be as much a light as it is a flame — Henry David Thoreau

• The giving of love is an education in itself — Eleanor Roosevelt

• Life is the flower for which love is the honey — Victor Hugo

• There is no remedy for love but to love more — Henry David Thoreau

• It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other — Sean (Good Will Hunting)

• Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all — St. Augustine

• Love is the greatest refreshment in life — Pablo Picasso

• Love is a better teacher than duty — Albert Einstein

• The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved — Victor Hugo

• If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem. Love and peace are eternal — John Lennon

• A loving heart is the truest wisdom — Charles Dickens

More love quotes from less famous people, which are equally fantastic are:

• When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out — Elizabeth Bowen

• Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile — Franklin P. Jones

• We must love one another or die — W.H.Auden

• Unless you love someone, nothing else makes sense — E.E.Cummings

• Life is the first gift, love is the second and understanding the third — Marge Piercy

Everyone needs inspiration sometimes, what better way to get it than from love quotes. Asides that, love quotes are a great way to shake up things in your relationship. If you give it a try, you may just awaken your inner poet. Love has an inimitable rhythm, which connects to your heart’s frequency like a radio signal. It could be the key to your happiness. Nothing is greater than love!

