Who is Saheen Shoukath?

Saheen Shoukath
2 min readOct 31, 2014


I’m a geek boy who got interest in computer and artificial intelligence and all that stylish technologies.I moved to the hackers world @ my age of 11 and started to learn some basic programming languages and the first thing I learned was HTML and then I moved to Java and C++.Now i’m a 17 year old teen boy practicing database hacking using sql and Blind injections.

My Beginning>>

I got Interested on all that computer stuff @ the age of I don’t know it but it was then when I was really a kid.My childhood was in my mothers home and they had computers there.Unlike my cousins I just sit with my uncles and used to observe what they are doing and how the computer works and I often used computers when elders are not around and used to change file names and to create folders with my name,that was just a kid’s great achievement.And when I was in 6th grade I bypassed my family PC it was my first hacking and it was a great start for me.At my 14th age I Started to learn C++ and Java and build my first program of a chat bot I called it ‘Aleena’ but unfortunately I missed it and I forgot to take a backup of it,after that I paused my software creation and concentrated on my studies but I couldn’t and I started to make cracks and game cheats and did lot of sql injections and hacked my friends Facebook accounts.Now I’m learning advanced hacking from unknown sources.

What I wants to be

I really wants to be an ethical hacker and I came to know that in my country there are not much security specialists so I hope there is huge opportunity for me so i’m really upto it and concentrating hard to my studies other than computer stuffs even though I hate them.But I know I gotta study Physics amd chemistry for my entrance so I think I have to concentrate on them while going deep in hacking.

Who is The Witcher??

Well,It is me.I’m The Witcher.The Witcher is my cyber name given by me.And I often use that tag for my softwares and tools.Just to be safe from officials :-)

