Santo Stefano Basilica | Bologna | Italy

Sahil Dadashov
2 min readJan 25, 2023


One of the oldest buildings in Bologna, full of history, is the Basilica of Santo Stefano. It is thought to have been built in the 5th century by the bishop of the city, St. Petronius. Saint Petronius, who was born during the times when Christianity was trying to spread in the Roman Empire, later converted to Christianity and later became a priest. In 432 he was appointed bishop of Bologna. Your mission in Bologna built the city’s most important religious center, Santo Stefano.

Santo Stefano Basilica

St. Petronius is thought to have visited the holy places in Jerusalem during his pre-bishopric times. After coming to Bologna, he decided to build the Santo Stefano church on the temple dedicated to the goddess Isis, which had an important place in the Roman Empire. It is believed that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was heavily influenced by the construction of this church in Jerusalem. Actually, Santo Stefano is a complex consisting of 7 churches.

Of the 7 churches built at that time, the churches of Chiesa del Crocefisso, Chiesa della Trinità, Santo Sepolcro and Santi Vitale e Agricola have survived. For this reason, it is also known as Sette Chiese, that is, the Seven Churches. However, most of these churches were renovated in the 11th century. Parts of the Santo Stefano complex remain from the original structure built in the 5th century.

Mosaics from the Roman and Byzantine periods are striking. The entrance to the complex is from Chiesa del Crocefisso, and in this church is the tomb of St. Petronio. The Cortile di Pilato in the garden, built in the 8th century, is dedicated to Hz. It is dedicated to the basin in which Pontius Pilate, who presided over the court where Jesus was tried, washed his hands.

  • Address: Via Santo Stefano, 40125 Bologna, Italy
  • Nearby Places: Basilica di Santa Maria dei Servi Bologna, Chiesa di San Giovanni in Monte

