Why Peer Learning is Important?

Sahil Parekh
4 min readApr 25, 2018


Peer-to-peer learning is not a new concept, having actually been around right from ancient times. As is evident from the term, it involves students expressing their ideas with their fellow learners and educating themselves from these discussions. They get to learn a great deal of knowledge when they explain their ideas to their classmates. This learning process promotes problem-solving skills and independent study.

Historical evidence of peer-to-peer learning

A study conducted at Stanford University found that the traditional proctor model, where the senior students taught their junior students, was one of the most successful ways of retaining information and learning from one’s peers. Students from the same year formed groups and assisted each other with educational as well as personal content. Many universities have student mentors wherein sophomore or junior year students help the freshman settle down in the college environment. Be it getting used to your dorm roommate or even handling a part-time job along with full-time courseload.

Other models — like the buddy model — involve seminars, debates, and discussions among students. There are peer-assessment schemes, projects and laboratory work in collaborative teams and private study groups.

Peer learning is not just limited to an educational setting. It extends into the work environment as well. An intern shadows and observes a veteran reporter. An experienced reporter might even discuss and learn from an editor — irrespective of the age difference or seniority! The only badge of credibility is a person’s level of expertise in a particular subject.

An increasingly common question for many in the education industry is — ‘How is peer to peer learning applicable to the 21st century?’ With an increasing number of students in the US public schools, the workload on the staff is on the rise. This is where peer-to-peer learning can make a comeback, to our rescue. Peer learning is becoming extremely important for many courses in the curriculum today.

Though as a society we are waking up to the importance of peer-to-peer learning, it is often implemented without knowing its implications. It can adversely affect people’s learning process. Precisely why it is crucial to understand peer learning’s merits before creating programs, that can foster greater understanding and learning — not just among traditional students but also among working professionals and those hoping to build skills through continuing education.

The advantages of peer-to-peer learning

With peer-to-peer learning gaining in popularity, it is primed to impact the already established education system globally. Many wonder why students understand more from their peers who have very little expertise as compared to the expert professors. The following points will show you how peer-to-peer learning benefits students and why!

#1 — Better understanding

As students in a peer group use the same language (or lingo), they are likely to understand and assimilate better from their peers. It isn’t articulate academic discourse that is effective, but it is the language that makes better sense to the fellow students.

#2 — Enriches communication and teamwork skills

Peer-to-peer learning brings with itself a practical application of communication and learning skills. You perform laboratory tasks and projects in a group that enhance your teamwork skills. You work together as a group, and towards goals — a lot of concepts that are typically forgotten in many education systems.

#3 — Develops problem-solving skills

As the peer-to-peer learning is all about discussing and brainstorming in order to learn, it gets you in the habit of self-learning as well as develops your problem-solving skills.

Future of peer-to-peer learning

With peer-to-peer learning benefiting you in several ways like building your critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and teamwork skills, it must be definitely included in the education system. This has been implemented in some countries for some specific courses and with this trend, peer learning is definitely the future of education system.

Peerbuds is an education alternative that provides a platform for peers to host & and attend local education experiences, online interactive live classes, personal live sessions, and collaborate in online topic-specific communities. We also provide an incentivized model for people to earn from learning and teaching. It makes use of blockchain technology that tracks everything you have ever learned in units called Gyan and rewards it with tokens called Karma. For more information, visit Peerbuds.

