Things that Money Cannot Buy!!

Do you think money can buy you anything in this world?? Scroll down below to know about 10 things that you cannot buy even if you have enough money!!

Sahil Sahu
3 min readDec 29, 2022
|Things that Money Cannot Buy!!| Self Help| Self| Self Improvement| Self growth| Money| Finance| Financial Knowledge| Economics| Advice| Personal Development| Life| World| Economy| Money| Life lessons| Basic Income| Personal Development|
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Money cannot buy Lost Time

You must have heard once in your life about this popular opinion that money can buy you time. Through tools, processes, and even people. However time once lost, cannot be recovered. Time leaves us with either of these two things, regret or results.

|Things that Money Cannot Buy!!| Self Help| Self| Self Improvement| Self growth| Money| Finance| Financial Knowledge| Economics| Advice| Personal Development| Life| World| Economy| Money| Life lessons| Basic Income| Personal Development|
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Money cannot buy a true relationship

It is certainly true that money can buy you fame, popularity, and even relationship. But money cannot buy you truest relationship it will only form irrespective of your money.

|Things that Money Cannot Buy!!| Self Help| Self| Self Improvement| Self growth| Money| Finance| Financial Knowledge| Economics| Advice| Personal Development| Life| World| Economy| Money| Life lessons| Basic Income| Personal Development|
Photo by Dương Hữu on Unsplash

Money cannot buy a good reputation

Money can surely make you famous, get your attention, get you visibility, and even form an opinion about you. But money cannot buy you a good reputation. What people say once you leave the room is independent of how much money you have.

|Things that Money Cannot Buy!!| Self Help| Self| Self Improvement| Self growth| Money| Finance| Financial Knowledge| Economics| Advice| Personal Development| Life| World| Economy| Money| Life lessons| Basic Income| Personal Development|
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Money cannot buy you great ideas

Money can help you to execute ideas, money can help to plan, and money can help to organize and deliver. But money cannot help you to think. Great ideas come from creativity, and imagination, which cannot be purchased with money.

|Things that Money Cannot Buy!!| Self Help| Self| Self Improvement| Self growth| Money| Finance| Financial Knowledge| Economics| Advice| Personal Development| Life| World| Economy| Money| Life lessons| Basic Income| Personal Development|
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Money cannot buy you a great body

Money can buy you healthy food, supplements, trainers, equipment, and access. But it cannot buy you a great body that you feel proud of in front of the mirror.

|Things that Money Cannot Buy!!| Self Help| Self| Self Improvement| Self growth| Money| Finance| Financial Knowledge| Economics| Advice| Personal Development| Life| World| Economy| Money| Life lessons| Basic Income| Personal Development|
Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

Money cannot buy peace

Money can buy you happiness, can buy you freedom and it can buy you comfort. But what money cannot buy you is peace. That can only be found within you. It can’t be purchased.

|Things that Money Cannot Buy!!| Self Help| Self| Self Improvement| Self growth| Money| Finance| Financial Knowledge| Economics| Advice| Personal Development| Life| World| Economy| Money| Life lessons| Basic Income| Personal Development|
Photo by Javardh on Unsplash


George Lorimer once said the following:

“It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven’t lost the things money can’t buy.”

Live your best life by making sure that in your efforts to make more money, you’re not losing sight of those precious things that money can’t buy.

I hope that this blog has added some value to your life.

-Sahil Sahu

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