How to grow Instagram followers 2022

Sahil Sharma
3 min readDec 18, 2021


Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet with over 1 billion monthly active users. If you’re new to Instagram or are looking for ways to grow your followers, this blog post will give you some tips and tricks that work!

Be sure to check out these top 10 strategies for how to grow Instagram followers 2022:

1) Create Quality Content — You can’t just post random photos and expect people to follow you. Posting quality content is key when it comes to growing your following because if they don’t find what they want, they’ll unfollow you without hesitation. One way of creating quality content is by posting at least three times a day- once in the morning, noontime, and evening/nighttime. This will ensure that your followers always have something new to look at when they visit your profile.

2) Use Relevant Hashtags — When you post a photo, be sure to use relevant hashtags so that other users who are interested in that topic can find your content. For example, if you’re a fitness enthusiast, you might use the hashtag #fitness or #workout.

3) Use Eye-Catching Filters — A great way to make your photos more aesthetically pleasing is by using filters. There are a variety of different filters to choose from, so experiment until you find one that best suits your photo.

4) Take Advantage of Geotags — Geotags are a great way to boost your engagement. They show that you’re active in various different areas of the world, which attracts potential followers who are also located in those places.

5) Be Interactive — Interaction is key when it comes to gaining Instagram followers. You don’t have to respond to every comment on your photos, but try to be interactive as often as possible. This could mean replying to comments, liking photos, and following other users.

6) Use Call-to-Actions — A great way to get your followers to take action is by using call-to-actions in your captions. For example, you could ask them to tag a friend in the comments, follow you on another social media platform, or visit your website.

7) Plan Ahead — Planning ahead is a great way to ensure that you’re always posting quality content on Instagram. A good way to plan ahead is by finding out when your target audience is most active on Instagram and then adjusting your posting times accordingly.

8) Use Instagram Stories — Instagram Stories are a great way to engage with your followers. They allow you to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. This is a great way to show your followers a more personal side of you and to tease upcoming content.

9) Promote Your Instagram on Other Social Media Platforms — A great way to expand your social media presence is by promoting your Instagram account on other platforms. For example, if you have a Twitter account then you could post your latest Instagram photos there or you could post links to your Instagram in the bios of other channels that you’re active on.

10) Analyze Your Stats — By analyzing your statistics, it will be easier for you to determine what works and what doesn’t work. You can use a variety of tools such as Iconosquare or Latergramme which will help you determine what hashtags, time of day, geotags, etc. are the most effective for your account.

By following these tips, it should be much easier for you to grow your Instagram following in no time!


So, there you have it- 10 tips for how to grow Instagram followers in 2022. Just remember to be consistent with your content, use relevant hashtags, and be interactive with your followers. By following these tips, you should see a significant increase in your number of followers in no time!

If you’re looking to take your Instagram account to the next level, be sure to buy followers from a reputable source.

