Learn to build full-stack web apps quickly, even if you are a beginner programmer

Do you know only the basics of programming but want to build full-stack web apps? Read this book and learn how it can be done.

Sahin Sarkar
2 min readNov 2, 2022

I had been reading the book “Javascript from front-end to backend” by the author “Eric Sarrion”. I found the book interesting and thought I would share my experience with it.

Cover page of the book, “Javascript from Frontend to Backend” by Eric Sarrion

The book basically deals with teaching people about the usual MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) to build full-stack web apps. The twist here is that the frontend framework Vue.js has been used instead of the R which stands for React.js in MERN stack. So ultimately, the author has taught the MEVN stack of web development.

The first 2 chapters are dedicated to basic and advanced javascript.

After that, 3 chapters are dedicated to teaching basic, then advanced Vue.js to the reader. The third chapter is dedicated to building a complete project using Vue.

Then 4 chapters are dedicated to Node.js. Specifically, the first chapter describes the basics of Node.js modules. Then it teaches the integrations between Node.js and MongoDB, Node.js and Express.js, and Node.js and Vue.js, each integration per chapter. The last chapter also teaches to build an entire full-stack project using the entire MEVN stack.

The intention of the author is to transform a basic programmer into a full-stack web-app developer. The framework chosen for that is not usual in jobs (referring to Vue.js), but the choice of frameworks might make the transition as fast as possible.

The book won’t take much time to read and learn, because the language is quite lucid and to the point. Every part of the book is packed with helpful info and hence, I won’t recommend skipping anything, unless it's something that you already clearly know, maybe the initial javascript chapters. Don’t get scared by the page count, lots of them contain screenshots of the app being built.

But the book is not a definitive guide for any of the technologies, it only deals with the 80–20 principle for using the frameworks.

The created apps will be fully featured (because of complete JS usage everywhere) but the author doesn’t teach readers to make them pretty as HTML and CSS knowledge is assumed.

This is for those developers who don’t want to be dependent on anyone to bring their app ideas to life and to do it fast, similar to the kinds of situations I have faced in hackathons ;)

Do give this book a read and let me know your thoughts. The link for it is down below.


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Sahin Sarkar

Learning and practicing a good balance of technology and business.