Updated Version (2022) — Flutter Firebase & DDD Course Domain-Driven Design Principles by Reso Coder

Alper Efe Şahin
3 min readOct 27, 2022


Almost every Flutter developer knows ResoCoder from YouTube. He has a popular playlist with the name Flutter Firebase & DDD Course. He started to record the videos in 2020, and till this time (2022) he has not updated the videos. Flutter framework, dart, and the packages got lots of updates.


Recently, I became interested in functional programming, and I have known there was a source about it (the above course). I also have known that the playlist of ResoCoder was not up to date. People have started to complain about new updates since he did not update the videos or codes. So, I decided to update all the source codes of the repository. At the same time, It would be perfect for me, since the videos are so valuable.

Breaking Changes

  • Null-safety check
  • flushbar package changed to the another_flushbar
  • showErrorMessages type (it’s in the state) changed bool to AutovalidateMode?
  • auto_router package changes
  • slidable package changes
  • context.bloc to context.read
  • and so on…

The above things are some important changes in this playlist you should know.


When you follow the DDD series, you should look at my repository. I split them with branches, for each video which is necessary. For example, for the Firebase Console, it was not necessary to create a branch since we do not write code in the related section. Also, every branch has a name like “14-sign-in-form-ui”. Here the important thing is, branch names are the same as video names, not the same as the number of videos. So, If you want to check the video number, you can look at the commits, when I commit and push these codes, I did like this:

If you find any issues like folder structure or missing codes/files, you should always check the main branch which is the master one actually. You can also directly use the main branch, but for people who want to follow this playlist with branches like me, there are branches that have already been created. Also, the first time, I wanted to update this repository with Riverpod state management, but then I decided to not break the video series. So, for the first branches If you see a package name like Riverpod, do not surprise, in the next branches it will be updated.


Finally, I also learned lots of things from the ResoCoder’s popular playlist. I hope the updated version will be helpful for you.

That’s all for me. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments section. Also, you can glance at my applications which were created with Riverpod and BLoC from here. I strongly suggest following my YouTube channel from here.

Thank you for reading, stay tuned!

