Setting up AWS Network Load Balancer with Terraform 0.12

Sahitya Maruvada
7 min readAug 27, 2019
Photo by Fahrul Azmi on Unsplash

AWS has a huge documentation base, linking text to a lot of content, giving information about each of the resources using CLI, console and so on which makes it possible to miss the important things in the huge text blobs. Not that I am complaining, they really have great documentation, it's just that there a lot of information out there to process!

I want to keep this post crisp and to the point of setting up a functional network load balancer (LB) with Terraform. A detailed walkthrough about the components is also included which lets individuals configure the resources based on their requirement.

Topics Included

Brief Introduction to LoadBalancing:

Loadbalancing is one of the straight forward methods of scaling out an application. As demand increases, new nodes can be added behind the load balancer to serve the requests. For the users who are making the requests, the load balancer is the destination whereas the requests are served by the nodes that are behind the load balancer which distributes load among these nodes.

Elastic Load Balancing…



Sahitya Maruvada

Tech and Travel Enthusiast!! Software Engineer by profession!! Writing on Medium is my way of giving back to the dev community 😃