Can something be a hero and a villain at the same time?

Dealing With Procrastination: 4 Strategies That Actually Work (for me)

Sah Kilic
The Startup
Published in
8 min readOct 14, 2017


This is for all the people that resort to some sweet sweet Netflix for procrastination and need a change that makes them feel like they’re trying to improve - when you and me both know that this article is also a part of your procrastination diet. Feel ashamed.

The Fog of Uncertainty

You’ve got a very doable task, but that 1 task is actually 99 different tasks that are compiled together with instructions given to you in bulk, in one go, and now you just want to watch Netflix and down a packet of gummy bears. Why? Besides the fact that Netflix is life and gummy bears are delicious, it’s because all of that work is overwhelming and you’re trying to absorb it as one piece of work when in reality, like we just mentioned, it’s actually a compilation of a lot of small tasks.

So what’s the solution? You may have figured it out by now but I’ll say it anyway. What you need to do is to break up that task into smaller more manageable chunks. Nothing is going to be achieved by trying to eat a burger in one bite, you’ll choke.

There are numerous effective methods of breaking a large hamburger of work into small bites (I’m hungry), and the fantastic thing about these methods is that they can be applied to many different scenarios involving many…



Sah Kilic
The Startup

I talk so much I figured I should write some of it down. Join me here: 💪