Silicon Valley in Panama

Chad Sahlhoff
2 min readMay 11, 2016


In wake of the Panama Paper leak, 11.5 million documents were made public. After reading through varies journalists interpreting the documents I was a bit surprised to see there where no local news being made. After all, the Bay Area is known for it’s wealth generation.

The documents are now available to search online. Using this and google I made a list of interesting discoveries. Using keywords such as “Sand Hill Road”, “Menlo Park”, “San Francisco” eg. this list was made.

The most surprising insight was the amount of residential homes listed as the corporation’s filing address. Most of these homes also had a recent sale in the last 10 years, this was almost always the case. This may be a case of developers selling a house for profit and transferring capital out of the country.

Using the registered address on the documents I cross referenced them using google searches. This list may not be 100% accurate and also appearing on this does not mean any illegal activity was done. However, it is suspicious tech VC ‘s have set up a shop in Panama– a country that is not well known for Tech exports.

Venture Capital: (GGV Capital) (KPCB) (Francisco Partners) (Sequoia Capital China) (Cheyenne Partners) (Orchard Asia Group)

HQ’s: (synopsys’ old address, possibly google’s new address) (OneExchange) (Xoom corporation) (Chinese American Bankers) (USL Property Management, Inc)

Again, appearing in these leaks does not mean illegal activities have accord. Also, the addresses shown here may not be up to date with the current corporation’s address.

