Unraveling the Enigma of Vedic Maths: Discovering Ancient Techniques for Modern Problem Solving

chandra sekhar sahu
3 min readAug 1, 2023


Unleashing the Mystique of Vedic Maths

In the modern world, where advanced technology and complex algorithms govern our daily lives, the ancient art of Vedic Maths stands as a captivating enigma. Rooted in the ancient Indian scriptures known as the Vedas, Vedic Maths is a system of mathematical principles and techniques that have withstood the test of time. Far from being confined to the realms of mysticism, these methods offer a revolutionary approach to arithmetic and problem-solving, proving to be a game-changer for students and professionals alike.

The Timeless Wisdom of the Vedas

Vedic Maths traces its origins back to the ancient Indian civilization, where mathematical prowess was regarded as a divine gift. The Vedas, ancient sacred texts dating back thousands of years, served as the reservoir of knowledge that included not only spiritual wisdom but also astonishing mathematical insights. The sages of yore developed these techniques, known as “Sutras,” to simplify complex calculations and enhance mental acuity.

Cracking the Code: Vedic Sutras

At the heart of Vedic Maths lie the concise and potent aphorisms known as “Sutras.” These Sutras are elegant and efficient rules that lay the foundation for problem-solving in various branches of mathematics. Some of the notable Sutras include:

1. Ekadhikena Purvena (By One More than the Previous): This Sutra empowers us to square numbers that end with five effortlessly. A remarkably simple technique, it can even be extended to higher powers.

2. Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah (All from 9 and the Last from 10): The versatility of this Sutra lies in its ability to subtract numbers by adding. This technique is particularly useful for subtraction problems and complements the conventional approach.

3. Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam (Vertically and Crosswise): This Sutra unlocks the secrets of efficient multiplication. It enables the multiplication of large numbers with ease, making complex calculations a breeze.

The Marvels of Vedic Maths

Vedic Maths offers an array of benefits that transcend the boundaries of traditional methods:

1. Speed and Efficiency: By using Vedic techniques, one can perform complex calculations with lightning speed. This advantage is particularly beneficial in competitive exams and time-sensitive scenarios.

2. Mental Agility: Vedic Maths encourages mental calculations, stimulating brain activity, and enhancing memory and concentration.

3. Enhanced Problem-Solving: The simplicity and flexibility of Vedic methods make problem-solving an enjoyable and intuitive experience, empowering learners to think creatively.

4. Universal Applicability: Vedic Maths is not limited to specific mathematical disciplines but can be applied to various areas, including algebra, geometry, calculus, and more.

Embracing Vedic Maths in the Digital Age

In an era dominated by calculators and computers, one might question the relevance of ancient techniques like Vedic Maths. However, it is precisely the rise of technology that makes this knowledge even more valuable. Vedic Maths cultivates a deep understanding of numbers and mathematical concepts, laying a robust foundation for comprehending advanced algorithms and computational systems.

Revolutionizing Education with Vedic Maths

Integrating Vedic Maths into the educational curriculum can revolutionize the way mathematics is perceived and learned. By introducing these techniques at an early age, students can develop a love for numbers and break free from the fear of complex calculations. Moreover, Vedic Maths instills a sense of confidence and self-reliance, nurturing young minds to become adept problem solvers and critical thinkers.

In Conclusion: Embracing the Wisdom of the Ancients

Vedic Maths stands as a timeless testament to the brilliance of ancient Indian scholars and their holistic approach to knowledge. As we delve deeper into this enigmatic realm, we discover not only a treasure trove of mathematical shortcuts but also a profound philosophy of interconnectedness and harmony with the universe.

Incorporating Vedic Maths into modern education paves the way for a new generation of thinkers, armed with the wisdom of the past and the tools of the future. So, let us embrace the marvels of Vedic Maths and embark on a journey of infinite possibilities in the realm of numbers!

