Vedic Maths Sutra 1: Ekadhikena Purvena — The Power of One More

chandra sekhar sahu
2 min readAug 1, 2023

Vedic Mathematics is an ancient Indian system of mathematics that dates back to the Vedas, the ancient sacred scriptures of India. It offers quick and efficient techniques to solve complex mathematical problems with ease. One of the fundamental sutras of Vedic Maths is “Ekadhikena Purvena,” which translates to “By one more than the previous one.” This sutra empowers learners to perform rapid mental calculations, especially when dealing with squares and products. In this article, we’ll explore the essence of this powerful sutra with appropriate examples.

Sutra 1: Ekadhikena Purvena

The sutra “Ekadhikena Purvena” essentially teaches us to find squares and products of numbers quickly by taking advantage of their proximity to bases like 10, 100, 1000, and so on. It is particularly useful for calculating squares of numbers ending in 5 and products of numbers that have a common base.

Example 1: Squaring Numbers Ending in 5
Let’s find the square of 35 using the “Ekadhikena Purvena” technique.

Step 1: Identify the base
In this case, the base is 10 because the number ends in 5.

Step 2: Calculate the “one more than the previous one”
For 35, one more than the previous one is 36.

Step 3: Calculate the square
The square of 35 is (3 * 4) concatenated with 25, i.e., 1225.

Example 2: Finding Products of Numbers with Common Base
Now, let’s find the product of 43 and 47 using the “Ekadhikena Purvena” technique.

Step 1: Identify the base
In this case, the base is 50 because both numbers are near 50.

Step 2: Calculate the “one more than the previous one”
For 43 and 47, one more than the previous ones are 44 and 48, respectively.

Step 3: Calculate the product
The product of 43 and 47 is (44 * 48) = 2112.

Applications and Advantages:

The “Ekadhikena Purvena” sutra finds its applications in various mathematical operations, including:

1. Mental Calculation: Vedic Maths makes mental calculations swift and accurate, reducing the need for pen and paper.

2. Competitive Examinations: For students preparing for competitive exams, such as aptitude tests, engineering entrance exams, or banking exams, Vedic Maths can significantly improve their calculation speed.

3. Practical Daily Use: Vedic Maths techniques are helpful in everyday life, for instance, while calculating bills, budgeting, or managing finances.

4. Developing Analytical Skills: Learning Vedic Maths nurtures analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities in students and learners of all ages.


The “Ekadhikena Purvena” sutra from Vedic Mathematics is a remarkable tool that simplifies complex calculations and enhances mathematical proficiency. By leveraging the power of “one more than the previous one,” learners can perform mental calculations with remarkable speed and accuracy. Embracing Vedic Maths empowers individuals with an invaluable skill set, making mathematics enjoyable and accessible to all. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply an enthusiast, exploring Vedic Maths is a journey worth undertaking to unlock the magic of numbers.

