Human Jobs Are Not in Danger After AI — Here’s Why!

Sahwish Nadir
3 min readAug 28, 2023


Since the launch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in last November, there was a belief that it would affect so many human jobs out there. However, as the time passed, this appears to be just a myth. Over the last couple of months, AI has partially taken over some of the machine tasks which were being performed by humans originally. For instance, you don’t have to write essays and scripts to YouTube videos all by yourself, simply ask the AI tools and they will provide you with accurate content. But does that put human jobs in danger? NO!

The world has been discussing the pros and cons of AI lately. The Chat bot responds to the queries promptly and generates the content. People are using it in many ways to manage their workload. Automation has reduced the burden of humans allowing them to focus on more creative and productive things.

According to recent study at UN Agency by three social scientists, AI is not likely to take over human jobs entirely but it surely will change the ways to work.

Assessing Vulnerability:

The study documents that AI is affecting countries on different levels. Developed nations are more likely to get affected as 5.5% of total employment is potentially exposed to the effects of AI, whereas the risk is only 0.4% in under developed countries. However, with the right policies developed nations can benefit significantly from AI.

Gender Impacts:

The AI automation is likely to affect jobs with gender-specific roles. Females are more likely to get affected due to their nature of jobs. Most of the clerical and representative jobs are done by females and this is where AI is largely playing its role. It is estimated that more than twice of female jobs are likely to be affected by AI.

Human Role:

In many cases, AI tools are designed to assist humans not to replace them. There are jobs that require high cognitive skills such as critical thinking, emotional aspects of intelligence and empathy etc that are hard to be replaced by AI.

Unpredictable Environments:

Jobs that require emergency response, disaster management and situational handling are less likely to be affected by AI.

Cost Challenges:

AI is not easy to use as it may cost one a lot. Integrating AI into your business is more expensive than one can anticipate.

In Conclusion, the success and impacts of AI largely depends on how it is adopted. The primary value of UN study is to understand the potential direction of change. The study also highlighted the need to design policies that support this transition.

Ultimately, it is humans that are behind the decision to use such technologies and it should be humans who should guide the process of transition.

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Sahwish Nadir

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