Minimalist — Brand Story # 2

Sai Kanduri
3 min readAug 30, 2021

Minimalist was launched in 2019 by the Indian firm Uprising Science as a brand that wanted to focus on scientific and clean skincare habits. It emphasizes maintaining transparency on the ingredients and their concentrations. The relevant information regarding the composition of the product is clearly mentioned on the products.

The website of the brand has exclusive sections dedicated to providing customized information based on commonly faced skin problems. The Knowledge section of the website provides clear and concise information on various ingredients and other effective skincare routines. The brand aims to educate consumers about the scientific aspect of skincare routine while maintaining complete honesty and transparency about the composition of the products

Here are some detailed reviews by users of various products of the brand.

  1. Product — Minimalist 5% Niacinamide
Minimalist 5% Niacinamide

“Experience — I cannot emphasize enough how much I love this product this is my second purchase and I am almost done with this bottle as well and will definitely purchase it again.


  • Soothes my skin
  • Calms any pimple that I get
  • Reduces pimple marks
  • Reduces oily skin
  • Even outs skin

Obviously, it takes time to work on the skin, but this is with every product you have to be patient, but this is so far the best product I have tried from Minimalist.” — Nupur

2) Product — Minimalist AHA 25% PHA 5% BHA 2%

Minimalist AHA 25% PHA 5% BHA 2%

“Experience — It took me almost 2 months to get used to this product, but there is no going back. It does the job very well, can see instant results. I saw so much reduction in my blackheads. It is not like scrubs I mean we have to scrub almost every week because blackheads come back, but not with this, got very good results.

Pros -

  • Exfoliates well
  • Clean transparent brand
  • No fragrance
  • No nonsense product
  • Suits all skin types

Cons -

  • A high percentage of actives
  • Not at all for beginners
  • Have to be extra careful

Recommendation — Yes, just be extra careful using it” — Nupur

3) Product — Minimalist 2% Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid products of Dot and Key and Minimalist
Dot & Key and Minimalist — Hyaluronic Acid

“About — Hyaluronic acid is a holy grail if you need plump and hydrated skin. Minimalist 2% hyaluronic acid and dot and key hyaluronic acid are my two favorite serums for instant hydrated skin.

Experience — The minimalist one is so soothing and hydrating to the skin, Gives instant hydration. I do prefer dot and key one also, I don’t know it is full of fragrance but I like how it makes my skin feel, So have mixed feeling about it. Anyways love these.” — Nupur

4) Product — Minimalist 10% Vitamin C Face Serum for Glowing Skin

Minimalist Vitamin C Face Serum
Vit C Face Serum _ Minimalist

“Claims- To make skin glowing, providing a skin brightening effect, reducing dryness & dullness & improving skin tone & texture.

Experience -

  • It did a good job at reducing my acne scarring.
  • It also made my skin glow after regular usage
  • Since it has a 10% vitamin C it is good for beginners,
  • it also has Cantella water that has a calming effect on the skin.
  • It also has 1% Acetyl glucose amine that provides hydration and increases your skin’s ability to produce hyaluronic acid.

My rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐/ 5” — Avni

