
Ali S
4 min readFeb 7, 2020


The HTML5 Canvas element is used to draw graphics on your web app. By default, it has no border or background colour, but I’m going to show you how to turn the empty canvas element into this with around 10 lines of code :

To start, you grab the canvas element itself and set a 2D context on it like this:

All our work is now going to be done on our new variable c.

To start drawing something, HTML canvas elements have a beginPath() method that indicates you’re about to start drawing.

The arc() method is what we’ll actually use to draw our circles and it takes at least 5 parameters:

  • The x-coordinate of the centre of the circle
  • The y-coordinate of the centre of the circle
  • The radius of the circle
  • The starting angle of the circle
  • And the ending angle of the circle

So our arc() method ends up looking like this:

And finally, we can finish off with either a stroke() method or a fill() method. I’ve gone for fill:

We can customise our fill or stroke using fillStyle and strokeStyle respectively.

And now we have a circle in the centre of our canvas element:

We only have one circle in our canvas element but we want more circles, so lets wrap our code in a function and use a for loop to draw 50 circles:

You may notice that our HTML doesn’t show anything new, but that’s because they are all being drawn on top of each other. So we need a way to randomise our x and y coordinates. We can easily fix this by editing the first two parameters in our arc method like this:

And that seems to have pretty much fixed that issue. But we still need our custom colour-way.

Having started out in Ruby I noticed that I took a lot of it’s built-in methods for granted. The ability to select a random element from an array using .sample is a luxury not yet available in JavaScript. Of course, there is still a solution – which could probably fit in one line of code – but it took me a little while to make sense of it.

Here I have an array of colours ( and want to randomly assign each sphere a random colour within the array. We can easily achieve this by doing this:

Array of colours
Self-made randomise function

The Math.random() function returns a value between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). We times that by the array length (which, in this case, is 5) meaning that now we get a random value between 0 and 4.9999999…

Now, to even out our decimal places we wrap all of that in a Math.floor() function. Doing this will give us a value of either 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. You may use the Math.ceil() function in another situation (so you would get ‘truthy’ values of 1 to 5), and you may have thought to use it in this situation – but it’s not ideal. And that’s because array indexes are zero-based. We are trying to access a random index of the array.

So now that we have a reusable method that lets us access random values in an array, we can set our fillStyle to a random value in our ‘colours’ array:

And we get our field of random circles:

