Algorithm Design Techniques

7 min readApr 13, 2020


In mathematics and software engineering, an algorithm is a limited arrangement of all around characterized, computer implementable instructions, ordinarily to take care of a class of problems or to play out a computation. Algorithms are constantly unambiguous and are utilized as particulars for performing estimations, information preparing, robotized thinking, and different assignments.

Algorithms configuration alludes to a technique or a scientific procedure for critical thinking and designing algorithms. The design of algorithms is a piece of numerous theories of operation research, for example, dynamic programming and divide and-conquer. Technique for structuring and executing algorithms designs are likewise called algorithms design patterns.

Typical steps in the development of algorithms:

1. Problem definition

2. Development of a model

3. Specification of the algorithm

4. Designing an algorithm

5. Checking the correctness of the algorithm

6. Analysis of algorithm

7. Implementation of algorithm

8. Program testing

9. Documentation preparation

One of the most significant parts of algorithms configuration lies in the making of algorithms that has a proficient run-time, otherwise called its Big O.

Since algorithm design techniques are developing at a quick pace, it has gotten significant for IT experts to overhaul their insight so as to fulfil the growing industry need. Now let’s look at various algorithms design strategies and their applications.

Algorithm Design Techniques in Data Structures

Data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data so that it can be used efficiently. Arrays, trees, linked lists, stacks, graphs, etc. are all data structures and each of them allows us to perform different operations on data.

Regardless of which programming language you use for programming, it is essential to learn algorithmic design techniques in data structures so as to have the option to assemble scalable system.

Choosing an appropriate design method for algorithms is a complex yet significant undertaking. Following are a portion of the primary algorithmic techniques methods:

1. Brute-force or exhaustive search

2. Divide and Conquer

3. Greedy Algorithms

4. Dynamic Programming

5. Branch and Bound Algorithm

6. Randomized Algorithm

7. Backtracking

A given problem can be comprehended in different various methodologies and a few methodologies convey considerably more effective outcomes than others. Algorithm analysis is a system used to gauge the viability and execution of the algorithms. It assists with deciding the quality of an algorithm dependent on a few parameters, for example, ease of use, practicality, security, space use and utilization of different assets

Applications of Algorithm Design

You may already be familiar with the different algorithms used in the world of computing such as search algorithms, sort algorithms, graph algorithms and more Searching and Sorting algorithms are the most trusted and notable path to take as you enter the universe of algorithms analysis and design in data structures. For instance, “Google Web crawler algorithm” is one of the most modern algorithm design utilized by Google to rank site pages in their internet searcher result pages dependent on their significance.

As of late, there has been an extreme change by they way we discover information, and hashtag algorithm is another case of algorithm plan that has been especially well known with online life clients. In spite of the fact that hash labeling has a mind boggling expectation to absorb information, it would not be mistaken to state that with regards to looking through enormous records with a large number of things, hashing is unquestionably far quicker. An incredible case of a hashtag algorithm is the utilization of “Instagram hashtags” to associate specific substance, conversations, discussions or specific brands.

Greedy Algorithm

Greedy is an algorithmic paradigm that develops an answer piece by piece, continually picking the following piece that offers the most clear and quick advantage. Covetous calculations are utilized for advancement issues. A streamlining issue can be tackled utilizing Greedy if the issue has the accompanying property: At each progression, we can settle on a decision that takes a gander right now, and we get the ideal arrangement of the total issue.

In the event that a Greedy Algorithm can take care of an issue, at that point it for the most part turns into the best strategy to take care of that issue as the Greedy calculations are as a rule more productive than different methods like Dynamic Programming. In any case, Greedy calculations can’t generally be applied. For instance, Fractional Knapsack issue

.Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming approach is like separation and vanquish in separating the issue into littler but then littler conceivable sub-issues. Be that as it may, in contrast to, partition and vanquish, these sub-issues are not unraveled autonomously. Or maybe, consequences of these littler sub-issues are recalled and utilized for comparable or covering sub-issues.

Dynamic writing computer programs is utilized where we have issues, which can be separated into comparable sub-issues, with the goal that their outcomes can be re-utilized. For the most part, these calculations are utilized for enhancement. Before taking care of the close by sub-issue, dynamic calculation will attempt to inspect the aftereffects of the recently tackled sub-issues. The arrangements of sub-issues are consolidated so as to accomplish the best arrangement.

Divide and Conquer

In divide and conquer approach, the issue close by, is separated into littler sub-issues and afterward every issue is settled freely. At the point when we continue isolating the sub problems into considerably littler sub-issues, we may in the end arrive at a phase where no more division is conceivable. Those “nuclear” littlest conceivable sub-issue (portions) are understood. The arrangement of all sub-issues is at long last converged so as to get the arrangement of a unique issue

Extensively, we can get isolate and-overcome approach in a three-advance procedure.


This progression includes breaking the issue into littler sub-issues. Sub-issues ought to speak to a piece of the first issue. This progression for the most part adopts a recursive strategy to isolate the issue until no sub-issue is further distinguishable. At this stage, sub-issues become nuclear in nature yet at the same time speak to some piece of the genuine issue.


This progression gets a great deal of littler sub-issues to be tackled. For the most part, at this level, the issues are considered ‘explained’ all alone.


At the point when the littler sub-issues are comprehended, this stage recursively consolidates them until they plan an answer of the first issue. This algorithmic methodology works recursively and overcome and combine steps works so close that they show up as one.

Backtracking Algorithm

The Backtracking is an algorithmic-method to solve a problem with an additional way. It uses a recursive approach to explain the problems. We can say that the backtracking is needed to find all possible combination to solve an optimization problem.

Backtracking is a systematic way of trying out different sequences of decisions until we find one that “works.”

o Each non-leaf node in a tree is a parent of one or more other nodes (its children)

o Each node in the tree, other than the root, has exactly one parent

Backtracking algorithm determines the solution by systematically searching the solution space for the given problem. Backtracking is a depth-first search with any bounding function. All solution using backtracking is needed to satisfy a complex set of constraints. The constraints may be explicit or implicit.

Randomized Algorithm

An algorithm that uses random numbers to decide what to do next anywhere in its logic is called Randomized Algorithm. For example, in Randomized Quick Sort we utilize irregular number to pick the following turn (or we arbitrarily mix the exhibit). Commonly, this irregularity is utilized to lessen time intricacy or space multifaceted nature in other standard calculations.

Some randomized calculations have deterministic time intricacy. For instance, this usage of Karger’s calculation has time multifaceted nature as O(E). Such calculations are called Monte Carlo Algorithms and are simpler to break down for most pessimistic scenario.

Then again, time multifaceted nature of other randomized calculations (other than Las Vegas) is reliant on estimation of arbitrary variable. Such Randomized calculations are called Las Vegas Algorithms. These calculations are regularly dissected for anticipated most pessimistic scenario. To figure expected time taken in most pessimistic scenario, every conceivable estimation of the pre-owned irregular variable should be considered in most pessimistic scenario and time taken by each conceivable worth should be assessed. Normal of all assessed occasions is the normal most pessimistic scenario time intricacy

Brute Force Algorithms

Brute Force Algorithms refers to a programming style that does exclude any alternate ways to improve execution, yet rather depends on sheer figuring capacity to attempt all prospects until the answer for an issue is found.

A great model is the voyaging sales rep issue (TSP). Assume a sales rep needs to visit 10 urban areas the nation over. How can one decide the request where urban communities ought to be visited with the end goal that the all out separation voyaged is limited? The savage power arrangement is just to ascertain the all out separation for each conceivable course and afterward select the most brief one. This isn’t especially productive in light of the fact that it is conceivable to take out numerous potential courses through sharp calculations.

Another model: 5 digit secret phrase, in the most dire outcome imaginable would take 105 attempts to break.

The time multifaceted nature of animal power is O(n*m) . Along these lines, if we somehow happened to scan for a string of ’n’ characters in a string of ‘m’ characters utilizing beast drive, it would take us n * m attempts

Approximation Algorithm

An Approximate Algorithm is a method for approach NP-COMPLETENESS for the enhancement issue. This method doesn’t ensure the best arrangement. The objective of a guess calculation is to come as close as conceivable to the ideal incentive in a sensible measure of time which is at the most polynomial time. Such calculations are called estimation calculation or heuristic calculation.

v For the traveling salesperson problem, the optimization problem is to find the shortest cycle, and the approximation problem is to find a short cycle.

v For the vertex cover problem, the optimization problem is to find the vertex cover with fewest vertices, and the approximation problem is to find the vertex cover with few vertices.

