Your Business Presentation Guide With Opporty

4 min readJan 22, 2018


A new B2B market with a platform that uses Blockchain-supported systems with full confidence in an offer that Opporty has provided to companies that need services and service providers that are needed in an efficient way to find each other and solve related problems with their marketing.

Opporty will offer companies that need services and service providers needed in an efficient way to find each other and solve problems related to their marketing. by using the best features. Opporty lifts the business model to a new level

Opporty is present in the community to provide a job offer that requires a non-profit service that can be used for free but with a very small percentage fee. to use this service by joining the platform we provide. that way you will meet thousands of customers and service providers globally in this platform Alibaba and wikipedia service. but Opporty provides a Blockchain service as a service in it for members to grow with existing technology.

With Opporty using Blockchain system then directly Opporty using Cryptocurrency in it as a transaction tool. and for any service that uses Opporty then adanay transactions by using OPP token to transact in this service but also provide other Cryptocurrency flows.

Why use Opporty service

Live Manager ecosystem: Opporty is not just another market. Opporty is a life-focused business ecosystem with a powerful blockchain market and knowledge sharing platform. Supporting the principles of Digital democracy, Opporty provides creative freedom to the community to stimulate strong growth. Imagine Wikipedia meet Alibaba!
Excellent Nasah protection: so Opporty itself is the first sales service to use decentralized escrow services provided by real experts, and powerful, electronic law agreements that can be run automatically with Oracle’s help.

Community experts: With the help of Proof-of-Expertise, the Opporty ecosystem is able to distinguish real teachers from every niche. PoE consists of three parameters: Domain recognition — real-world licenses and certificates, proof of domain — content written for base of knowledge Opporty and customer questions answered in Q & A section, and Domain experience — number and quality of service provided on Opporty platform.
Multiple user interfaces: There are several ways to interact with this Opporty platform — via web, mobile app or ChatBot a. We use the best UI / UX practice for on-board users and make their lives easier!
Opporty market
Opporty as a service market will foster a business-friendly environment for small and medium-sized companies that demand and offer the services they want like the Specific Niche.
and meanwhile Blocchain Opporty allows for a great stan- dardization of services, quality of protection, and cost reduction. with the services that Opporty offers hopefully can provide the best information either for the companies looking for services they need as well as for service providers.
Cryptococcus opport is supported by Ethereum (standard ERC-20 cryptocurrency). OPP Token can be used for
priority lists, smart contracted contract prices, and more. Users can exchange tokens to other cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. The team termed Opporty tokens as a go-to currency for small businesses. Token protected from devaluation by amount and provided in the market. A built-in crypturrurrency, an OPP token will be used by the Opporty community, and, consequently, they will support cost and value. If users do not use OPP, they will be able to pay with fiat. However, they will choose to select the token in cryptourrency; users enjoy discounts for service when paying for cryptocurrency).

Opporty plans to run Initial Coin Offering. Tokennya — OPP tokens — is the standard Cryptocurrency ERC-20, with the original token price 0.0002 ETH. ICO will consist of two stages. During Phase I, which begins on November 29, 2017, the Opporty team plans to conduct a 25% Number of total tokens — 250 million OPP. In addition, 10 million OPP tokens will be released to cover the Bounty campaign in Phase I. Hard hats are 50,000 ETH; the soft cover is 1,000 ETH. 40% token will be locked for one year to be offered in Phase II, where Team Opporty plans to run for one year. 30% of total tokens are backed up.

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