Top 8 Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

3 min readNov 15, 2022

I’m going to be doing Top Ten languages to learn and this is going into the next year 2023 like what is hot, what should you learn. How are you going to make money in this field this is just going to be based on that just simply is viable

Carbon Language

Most recently language has come out and that’s carbon. Now, this thing is completely experimental who knows if google is going to scrap it like they scrap a lot of different projects that are out of their things like google Polymer never really took off but with carbon.

It is unlike rust and Golang is another Go Google programming language and unlike that this is an actual successor to C++. When it comes to speed so even with languages like rust and Golang and all. They still weren’t comparable to C++.


The second one I would say is probably Rust because is created by the Mozilla people it does have a faster speed than Googles Golang languages and it is continuing to get more and more adoption if you’re dealing with Web assembly then Rust has a compiler that directly writes Web-assembly code which can run in your browser.

Microsoft C-Sharp (C#)

Microsoft c-sharp language so if you’re going to go down that route it’s similar to Java. Where you’re going to have to spend years to become good at it but there’s a lot of opportunity. So, if you do dive into the whole ecosystem.

You’re going to probably be able to find a job pretty easily just because there are so many and you’re going to have to focus probably on one particular area of it but with c-sharp a lot of Microsoft tools and azure the cloud infrastructure.

Go Language

I would mention go and Go lang. I think is best for like servers so if you need a server that’s going to be a lot faster than Django web stack everything’s microservices. These days but if you’re going to set up a server with some basic JSON data that is being passed back and forth using something like GO makes a lot of sense from a server-side development perspective.

I don’t see this as being used as anything writing actual software like installable software like something like WPF or WinForms or something like that but it seems to me that most of these companies are using Go for the speed server-side.

Python Language

I first fell in love with everything a lot easier to write in python. There is pretty much one way to do something the pythonic way of doing it. Python though is big when it comes to machine learning server-side development with something like Flask or Django.

If you need a full-stack framework that just has everything out of the box and Django is still an awesome option. these days I would recommend it over Ruby on rails but Ruby is still a good alternative as well I really would not add it to this list but if you already know Ruby.


If you’re going to be big on building things that work in the Apple ecosystem IOS then swift is probably better than object C and it’s just a more modern language I’ve never really dealt with it but if you like I said are targeting windows operating systems…………

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