Rethinking Authenticity in the AI Revolution

Igor Tarasenko
5 min readDec 16, 2023

Artificial Intelligence is shaking up our world, and it’s forcing us to question what it really means to be authentic. In the past, authenticity was straightforward — it was about being the real deal, no imitations. But now, AI’s got us all in a twist. We’re left to ponder if our definition of authenticity needs an update or if it’s something only we humans can claim.

Stanford’s thinkers slice it two ways. There’s the no-nonsense authentic — the “I made this” claim. Then there’s the laid-back kind, where keeping it real is enough. But here’s the kicker: can AI, with its talent for creating stuff that feels human, ever be considered authentic? Or is that crossing a line?

Psychology Today chimes in, saying authenticity is about knowing your true self and motives. It’s not just about reputation; it’s about being in sync with your inner self. And that’s a tall order for AI. No matter how advanced it gets, it lacks that human spark — the thing that makes you, you.

Each perspective on authenticity highlights something different. From deep introspection to the essence of our identity. As AI evolves, perhaps our understanding of authenticity will too. It might become less about the creator and more about the connection it creates, the emotions and thoughts it provokes.

AI isn’t just transforming tech; it’s igniting debates on what it means to be original and genuine. As human and machine creativity merge, we need to decide if authenticity is fixed or if it’s shaped by our perspectives and experiences.

When AI art stirs our emotions, it throws us a curveball. If an AI-composed symphony moves us, should we care who — or what — is behind it? Or does it challenge our whole concept of what’s touching?

And it gets even more intriguing when AI starts mimicking us, writing novels that tug at our heartstrings. Psychology Today suggests authenticity is about the journey within, not just the output. That’s where AI and humans diverge — AI lacks the personal narrative that gives our creativity its unique edge.

The unease we feel when AI mimics us is understandable. It’s the fear of the unknown, the anxiety of being replaced. But that’s also where the excitement lies. It pushes us to explore our creativity further and redefine what being real means. AI as a creative partner can reveal aspects of ourselves we’ve never noticed.

So, this conversation about AI and authenticity? It’s not just about whether machines can be genuine. It’s about reevaluating what being genuine means in a changing world. It’s about the essence of creation — is it the origin, the journey, or the impact that matters?

As AI continues to advance, maybe we shouldn’t be drawing lines between us and the machines. Perhaps it’s about expanding our views on creativity and authenticity as those lines blur.

Looking forward, authenticity might become a collaborative effort, where humans and AI create something extraordinary together. It could redefine authenticity — making it less about the origin and more about the experience it offers both the creator and the audience. The real challenge? Embracing the changes and opportunities AI brings to the authenticity arena, shaping it in a way that enhances our experience of life and self-discovery.

The Philosophy and Psychology of Being Real

What does it mean to be truly you? It’s a head-scratcher, right? On one hand, you’re always you, by default. Every choice, every action — that’s all you. But sometimes, we catch ourselves acting out of character, doing things that don’t feel like they represent who we are.

Here’s where it gets juicy. Being authentic means acting in line with your desires, motives, and beliefs. It’s about those things that scream “this is me!” and not just playing a part. Bernard Williams, a sharp mind in this field, says authenticity is about what’s really you, what expresses your essence.

But why does this matter? Because we’re living in what’s dubbed the “age of authenticity.” Our society’s obsessed with the real deal. Understanding authenticity isn’t just navel-gazing; it’s about how this quest for the genuine shapes our world.

Psychology Today gives us another angle. Authentic folks are those who sync their actions with their core values. They’re on a mission to find their true selves and live by that discovery. When actions clash with our self-image, it’s like wearing a shirt that’s too tight — it’s uncomfortable, and something’s got to give.

Let’s play with a thought experiment. Imagine you’re a painter, but you only paint by numbers. Sure, you’re creating something, but is it really yours? Now, what if AI paints a masterpiece based on your style? It’s your essence, but not your hand. Does that count?

The fear that AI might replace us, in part, comes from a lack of authenticity in ourselves. If we’re not sure who we are, the idea of a machine stepping into our shoes is downright terrifying.

Navigating the Maze of AI Authenticity: Practical Strategies

Navigating the authenticity maze in the AI era can seem daunting. But fear not. Here are some hands-on strategies to keep it real while embracing the AI revolution:

  • Engage in the Dialogue: Start conversations about AI’s role in our lives. Your insights could help shape a future where technology amplifies the good in humanity.
  • Develop with Integrity: When crafting AI solutions, be transparent about how your tech influences users. It’s not just about coding smart — it’s about coding ethically.
  • Innovate with Humanity in Mind: Let AI stir up your creative juices. Don’t settle for the status quo. Use AI to enhance our human qualities, not overshadow them.
  • Reflect and Grow: Use AI as a catalyst for self-discovery. Analyze your digital interactions to understand your motivations. It’s about leveraging AI to deepen your self-awareness.

Authenticity as a Catalyst for Growth

In the tapestry of life, authenticity is the thread that holds the pattern together. It’s the unspoken language that tells the world who we are. And in today’s digital age, where AI is ever-present, being authentic is more crucial than ever.

Here’s a thought experiment for you: Picture a world where AI can mimic your every trait, your every quirk. Where does that leave you? It leaves you with the power of authenticity — the one thing AI can’t replicate. Your experiences, your stories, your essence. That’s your superpower.

Embracing authenticity isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about thriving. It’s about leveraging your unique perspective to create something that resonates, something that matters. It’s about building a legacy that stands the test of time — and technology.

Harness Your Authenticity: Dive deep into what makes you tick. What drives you?



Igor Tarasenko

I'm a tech innovator who blends iOS and AI to transform lives. My mission? Fuse personal growth with practical solutions for a mindful, optimized world.