6 Salon Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy

Radix Infotech Solutions
3 min readSep 26, 2018


Your hair is the way of showing your ultimate beauty. Without a healthy proportion of this part of your body, your beauty will look very dull. Hair dressers in Sutton make sure that you get a fair share of beautiful and healthy hair. No matter your hair is short, mid-length or long, it has to be taken care of.

If you’re worried about your hair and don’t know the exact ways to take care of it. Let hair dressers in Sutton give you the tips you’ve been looking for. A good salon will tell you the ways you can keep your hair healthy and glowing, even at your old age! So here are the 6 salon ways to keep your hair healthy.

1.Know the washing secret

Try sticking to a hair washing routine. Refrain from overwashing your hair. Three to two times per week is enough to keep dirt away from your hair. Always choose the type of shampoo that fits you the best. If you have dry hair and oily scalp, go for the shampoo that is perfect for that type. If you have colored hair, go for a color guard one, but check the shampoo ingredients. If you have oily hair, find a shampoo that suits the type.

2. Haircut is important

Get a haircut that matches your face. Don’t think that your old haircut looks the best on you and you can go on with that for years! Apparently, your hair will grow and you will not look the same cool as you used to. So get a haircut and make sure to shampoo your hair before you go for it. Otherwise, you can also get a shampoo at the salon.

3.Protection for hair

You can’t just sit in your home every day and think this will protect your hair. Eventually, as a social animal, you have to go out at least to socialize. These are the times you have to protect your hair from the harsh sun and the dust. You’re definitely not a vampire, that you only go out at night, but days are crucial too. Thus, the need for heat protection for your hair. Use UV protection spray on your hair. Also, while blow-drying your hair, keep the dryer away at least a bit, so that the heat doesn’t damage your hair roots and the edges to cause hair splits/.

4.Fewer hair products

We know that salons are pro at using various hair products, but they also recommend not to use too much of it. If you want to look all fabulous all the time, and hair is certainly a crucial matter, you must have tons of hair products. However, using the products in small amount is the key to avoid damaging your hair. Also, look for herbal hair care products that way you can get a healthy shine.

5.Hair tools for perfection

Know how to use your hair tools perfectly. If you have a comb, it will not work. You need to have the perfect hair brushes to make your hair perfect and always good to go. Learn the way to brush your hair and keep it styled. Have a hair straightener or curler by your side. Do your hair the way, that all eyes turn on you at least ones.

6. Satin cover isn’t luxury

Buy a satin pillow cover. Sleep on them, and see the difference with your own eyes. Cotton pillow covers will spoil your hairstyle, especially if you use hairspray. Satin pillow cover will not let that happen. Your hairstyle will remain intact with it. If you’re feeling it’s a bit of luxury, do not mind. At least it’s for the sake of your hair.

So these are the ways you can keep your hair all healthy and stylish.

We at Mulberry and Thyme provide all kinds of hair treatment. Our goal is to serve our customers the best and give them the best comfort and satisfaction they can get from their hair. Our best unisex services include:

All kinds of haircut, wash, and blow-dry, highlights, glossing treatment, hair color, bridal hair, Gelish nail, gelish nail removal, and manicure.

