HTML CSS Interview Questions 2022

Sai Kiran
2 min readJan 5, 2023


HTML is the standard markup for creating the web pages. HTML guide the browser to display the content on the respective page. So, it is equally important to learn, prepare the HTML and CSS along with other frameworks.

Before getting into questions, I have written on javascript, react and vue.

Following are the links

Following are the questions. If you like it clap and follow.


  1. Describe HTML layout structure
  2. Semantic HTML and why do we need to use?
  3. What are the HTML5 and CSS3 features?
  4. What is difference between section and div
  5. What are iframes and why are they used?
  6. What is the difference between element and attributes?
  7. Name some of the attributes
  8. How to optimize assets loading in the HTML
  9. Explain about the target attribute
  10. Explain use case for scripts that should be loaded in the head and body each


  1. In how many ways can we specify CSS styles?
  2. Explain Box Model.
  3. what is the different box-sizing property and what they do?
  4. What is the difference between display: none and visibility: none/
  5. What are different property of positioning?
  6. Explain Flex Box and grid layouts
  7. What are the Media Queries and use case for it.
  8. What is the difference between inline, inline-block and block?
  9. What is the difference between Pseudo classes and elements?
  10. Explain specificity in CSS.
  11. What is a z-index and how does it work?
  12. What does following selectors imply?
1. div, p
2. div p
3. div ~ p
4. div + p
5. div > p

13. What is progressive rendering?



Sai Kiran

Web Developer | javascript | react | vue | blockchain enthusiast | Lunar enthusiast