Vue basic interview questions 2022

Sai Kiran
3 min readNov 1, 2022


Before jumping into questions and lecture, give a follow if this didn’t waste your time. A clap and comment if my articles help you.

I have also jotted down questions on javascript and react.

If you wish to look into them, following are the links

I have worked on the vue.js (in combination with Laravel) for more than 3 years. So, I have attended many interviews on Vue2 + Laravel when transitioning from one company to other company.

There are set of common vue questions that are asked in the interviews as L1/base/beginner/foundation level, you are expected to answer them in the initial stage of screening be it theory or given code.

Following are the questions that I was asked during my interviews but going through these or mugging up these question and answers DOESN’T make you a “developer”. So, I haven’t posted any sort of answer down here.

Go through them understand the concepts, play with the code, become a developer and crack the interviews.

There is no particular order that I am writing. So, please go through all of them.

Following are the questions on vue2:

  1. What is BOM?
  2. What is DOM, other types of DOM, how it is beneficial and how are they different from eachother?
  3. What is reactivity in vue, two-way binding and one-way binding?
  4. Lifecycle of component and methods.
  5. In how many ways we can create vue instance and how are they different from each other?
  6. In how many we can register component and how are they different from each other?
  7. What is dynamic component?
  8. What are directives (custom directives as well)?
  9. Obvious question, what is the difference between v-if and v-show?
  10. What is keep-alive and use case for the keep-alive in vue?
  11. How to pass data between a parent and child? and sibling component?
  12. What is $root and $parent in vue?
  13. What are watchers, Computed Properties and Methods. How are they different from each other?
  14. Use case for Watchers and Computed Properties.
  15. How to interpolate and how to render raw HTML in vue?
  16. In how many ways can we write CSS in the vue.js?

I’m closing here for now, more to come on the vue. I generally write on javascript, vue, react, CSS and HTML.

Recently, I started working on the node. Going further, I may write on the node as well.

Give a follow if this didn’t waste your time. A clap and comment if my articles help you.



Sai Kiran

Web Developer | javascript | react | vue | blockchain enthusiast | Lunar enthusiast