The SAIL team Speaks

5 min readApr 18, 2019


The Superheroes of SAIL who don’t need a CAPE.

Student Alumni Interaction Linkage aka SAIL, a small team of visionaries and passionate go-getters which works tirelessly to bring the Alumni of IIT Guwahati a bit closer to the campus.

SAIL works under the aegis of the Dean of Alumni Affairs and External Relations. Dealing with the admin, getting permissions or attending meetings that brings our vision to a reality is such a tiring yet satisfying affair. GTP, Finalis Resonare and Ball Night are the events we organize with pride. The class song has become a pet project initiated by the outgoing team members of SAIL. Alumni mentorship program, webinars and talks require constant contact between SAIL and the alumni, not to forget the internships and placements.

But then, we all know what SAIL does, right ? Also, the best way to get an insight into the SAIL work is by asking the Ex-SAILors to narrate the tales of their experiences. So, let us begin. Let us hear what the previous team has got to say-

1.When did you decide to be a part of SAIL family ?

Back in my third year. I had heard from a lot of my seniors that working in SAIL has many opportunities, and it one of the rare teams on campus that actually helps you personally and benefits your career growth. So, I thought to give it a shot, and the experience I received was totally worth it.
- Mehul Bhatia

It was my 1st year, GTP was going on when one senior called me to help with the event. I saw the graduating batch students with a happy face, but I can feel their pain inside as they are spending the final days in the campus. I am happy that I was the part of the team, which conducted such a successful event. That is the moment I decided to join SAIL.
-Aditya Tumarada

When I got my first mentor through AMP program, I realized the importance of a guiding force in college life. Being on the benefactors’ side, it dawned on me as a responsibility to give back to the campus by being a part of team SAIL, and I am proud to say, I don’t regret this decision even a bit.
-Sai Kiran

2. How was your experience of working in SAIL ?

The alumni Dean’s meet, the beautiful connections I made working with the SPARC team. Sleeping over at the guest house and waking up next morning to leave as the only member from the hosting IIT on a trip to a sanctuary. Handling the logistics for finalis and GTP. To random gossip with the Alumni. SAIL will always be in my heart.
-K Rohit Reddy

My journey with SAIL has been amazing. From starting as a Content Coordinator in the team, to becoming the General Secretary, SAIL has been an integral part of my life. I have many beautiful memories associated with the team, ranging from the All IIT Dean Meet, where I got to meet and connect with people from all IITs and develop friendship of a lifetime, to the late night after-talk gyan sessions by all the alumni who came to give talks on campus. The fun associated in organizing SAIL events like Graduation Ball, Finalis Resonare is a refreshing experience all together. I cannot be thankful to SAIL team for all it has done for me.
-Mehul Bhatia

3. Did SAIL play any part in your personality development ? How ?

I initially joined the SAIL team to get connected with Alumni but it took me from zero to hero in web dev. I am part of web development team. We developed two SAIL website and Yearbook website. I am pretty sure that these will help me during intern sessions. The best moment is when I see the graduating batch requesting for testimonials I feel very happy. It means something.
-Aditya Tumarada

Yes definitely. As I was not a part of any clubs in the campus, I made a conscious effort and participated in group meetings which gave me confidence to speak in front of people. I developed many personal and professional connections with Alumni who gave me really good advice for my career.
-Prem Sujan

Any club you join it gives you a platform, SAIL is much more than just a platform it is the beginning of what will be the most powerful student body in this campus. SAIL has helped me shape initiatives, put forward my ideas, interact with the experienced, gave me shoulders to cry on.
-Sahithya Vemuri

4. What difficulties did you face while working ? How did you overcome them ?

A day before the freshers’ orientation, I was asked to give the introduction for Sail along with Nikhil Arya. I was completely shocked. But then I gained confidence after talking to Rohit bhayya (he is a bond ) who gave me an overview of all the topics to be presented in the orientation. I also proposed the word SAILors in the messenger group. Feeling happy after seeing that word being used XD.
- Rajanala Harsha Vardhan Reddy

There have been many difficulties I faced while working. One incident I remember is the time when we were conducting the first phase of Alumni Mentorship Program (AMP). We had no clue as to how we should proceed with this event. To the rescue came my friends from IIT Bombay, whom I had met at the All IIT Dean Meet. They gave suggestions on the proceedings, since they too conduct an Industrial Learning Programme of similar sorts, and we were able to take in key points from that. The first phase of AMP was a grand success.
- Mehul Bhatia

5. What suggestions would you like to give to future SAILors ?

Trust your team, love your juniors, party more often it can be just a khoka ki chai, bond well with the team. Have a vision and the day you feel your purpose in this team is a lost cause ring me up or any senior, we will tell how it is just the beginning.
- K Rohit Reddy

Most of the freshmen will be like “Kya hai sail … kya karte hai ye log” . But, if you ask the same guy in his 4th year, you will be amazed to know the answer to the question, such is the aura of being a part of SAIL. This year, I am happy that many freshmen students are enthusiastic to know about us.
- Aditya Tumarada

The work you do won’t go in vain . In fact it helps you in many ways which might not be obvious but keeping working and you will soon realize that it is for the best.
- K. Nikhil

Phew, those were a lot of questions answered. Many answers were deeply personal, many were as practical as they can get. But then, working for SAIL is in itself a feeling of pride, a joy ride of emotions, a light reality check of what it takes to be an Alumnus of IIT Guwahati, a breeze of contentment and finally, a sense of accomplishment, to see your baby growing, expanding its roots, helping out hundreds and connecting thousands.
Mayank Singla




Student Alumni Interaction linkage, IIT Guwahati. We are an engaging and mutually beneficial link between IIT Guwahati student Fraternity and Alumni Community.