8 News Product Ideas

(Drafted a year ago, floated for months, shared today)

Craig Saila
1 min readDec 8, 2015

Three For One

List the top three stories of interest to me, the reader, in the morning (at a time I pick), give me four at lunch, and one good article in the evening (at a time I pick). Deliver it to me in an email, an alert, a webpage, an ebook, an app, etc.

Deep Dive

Let me see everything published about a topic on one long page. Let me follow it, add links to it, and get Wikipedia information about it. Let me add it to the navigation on the site.

Smash the Pyramid

Give me the lead. And a quote. And that’s it.

Always New

Only show me stories I haven’t read. Reward the OCD in all of us. If necessary, pull from the archives.

Never Knew

Only show me stories I haven’t read that everyone else liked. Imagine it like the funny pages. Or Harper’s Index.


Sort through stories like a Tinder pro. Share it by flicking up. Save it to swipe right, move on by swiping left. Learn from my actions. No limits but my own taste.

One Thing

One word to summarize the day in news. Results in one story, picture, or video. Think This. but even more constrained.


Print the news for me to read daily.



Craig Saila

Designer of things. Builder of ideas. Tearing it up in a hypernation.