LUNAR NEW YEAR DAY Poem by a Chinese Prime Minister & Poems for 4 SEASONS can be read in REVERSE

3 min readJan 22, 2023


Lunar New Year Greeting Card painted with Foot by Ng Ah-Kwai


In the sound of the firecrackers dismisses the old year;

With the Spring breeze blowing, sipping a small cup of specialty wine Tu-Su brings warmth and comfort;

When the morning sun comes through the window, bringing the bright light, every household is welcoming this new day;

Every family busily taken down the old faded red paper, pasting the new strips written with lucky and inspiring words.

Written by Wang On-Shek 王安石 who was a Prime Minister and a Reformer during the Northern Sung Dynasty (960–1127).

The Motif of FISH is a New Year Greeting for “Wishing You Having Surpluses Every Year!”, because Fish 鱼 & Surpluses 余 are both pronounced as “Yu”.



A few branches of flowers delicately leaning against a stone step;

Thousands of silky branches of the willow trees are swaying gently in the breeze;

Red clouds are covering half of the mountain peak, the sun is setting in the west;

The moon is rising at this lonely village behind a pine tree.


On a cool summer day, I returned the emerald hairpin to the match-maker and got a chilly look;

Even though, there is a balmy summer breeze, yet drinking water from the well, the cold penetrates the teeth;

Burning an aromatic incense, writing calligraphy in fanciful style, the fumes is being blown upward like numerous greenish threads;

The bright moon is casting its shadow on the paper screen window is white and round.


The reeds are turning snow-white, so is the water along the low level band along the river showing signs of Autumn;

The leaves on the willow trees are withering, the branches swaying in the wind, in the evening the distant mountain turns deep green and hoary;

In an empty lodging place, the lonely lamp waking up the guest from a frightening dream;

The lone goose is on an expedition in carrying a letter to a far-away homeland.


The weather is freezing, the rain is chilly, during the day, all doors are closed;

The snow is flying, the wind is cold, during the night, even the city gate is closed;

The glow of the charcoal fire is red hot, gathering around the stove to keep warm;

Filling the teacups with some nice, green, fragrant, warm tea.

These 4 poems can be read in REVERSE.

These poems were written by Hsue Sen-Ga 薛仙姬, a famous courtesan during Tang Dynasty (618–907).

English translation by Sailan (January 2, 2023).

A monthly (21st of each month) short video in the theme of “Simple Joy in Life is …..” can be viewed on:




Sailan believes she was born in 1950s because of a Affinity of Kindness. Be flexible in life, learning for life, she is content, active and free.