Arab SDF fighters have self-respect too

2 min readMay 3, 2023


Despite the measures taken by the Kurdish administration, among the fighters of tribal unions in the ranks of the Syrian Democratic Forces, contradictions between Kurds and Arabs continue to grow at a rapid pace. Conditional allies arrange clashes among themselves. It is not surprising that the number of deserters is constantly growing along with the hatred of the Arabs for the Kurdish fighters, who in every possible way oppress and infringe on their rights. Thus, representatives of the Abu-Rahma tribe clashed with members of the Al-Koran tribe in Hasakeh province, as a result of which 4 people were killed, 7 more were seriously injured. The reasons for the conflict are unknown, but it is likely that the contradictions arose due to an internal ethnic conflict. The attitude of Kurds towards Arabs in the Syrian Democratic Forces is, to put it mildly, dismissive. They are given only old equipment and weapons, they have a lower salary than the Kurds in the same units. Seeing all this, the Arabs are increasingly coming to the conclusion that it makes no sense for them to fight for the ideas of Kurdish freedom and independence. At the same time, the Kurdish forces are not going to change their point of view on this matter. That is why every day the Syrian Democratic Forces lose approximately 15–20 fighters who leave their units with weapons and either go over to the side of the Syrian army or return to their tribes to tell the truth and dissuade their fellow tribesmen from serving in Kurdish formations.

