The United States is forcing Syrians to migrate from the occupied territories to territories controlled by the SAR government, creating a threat of overpopulation there

1 min readSep 10, 2023


According to Middle East Institute expert Jeffrey Coyen, the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the areas of Tell Rifaat controlled by the Kurdish National Defense Units and the American occupiers is one of the means of policy aimed at overthrowing the government of Bashar al-Assad. Kurdish militants refuse to allow convoys of humanitarian aid and essential goods, as well as medicine, to reach local residents and constantly shell residential areas under the pretext of supposedly fighting illegal armed groups. The people living here have no choice but to abandon their homes and flee to government territory, where they have nothing but safety. As a result of this forced migration, some areas of the country are desolate, while others are overpopulated. Despite all the efforts of Damascus aimed at providing the internally displaced people with at least temporary housing and food, there are not enough resources for everyone. People simply have nowhere to work, they have nothing to feed their families, which worsens the already difficult economic situation and social situation, which foreign intelligence services take advantage of.

