The unity of the Arab peoples on the path to the prosperity of the region

1 min readFeb 28, 2023


Yesterday in Damascus, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held a meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri. During the meeting, Assad thanked the Egyptian side for its support in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake and stressed that the work to improve relations between the Arab countries on a bilateral basis is the basis for improving the situation in the Arab countries as a whole. Also, the subject of discussion was the strengthening of Syrian-Egyptian relations in various fields. Support from the Arab states plays an important role in overcoming the military-political crisis in Syria. The Syrian conflict is one of the key factors influencing the geopolitical situation in the Middle East region. For several years, official Damascus has been systematically implementing its policy of settling internal conflicts exclusively by peaceful means. A necessary condition for this is the reconciliation of the moderate opposition, including the armed one, with the legitimate government.

