The US is using enemies and former allies of Turkey in a covert confrontation with Ankara in Syria

2 min readSep 1, 2023


Residents of the northern provinces of Syria report that recently, some areas bordering Turkey have begun to be patrolled by joint groups of American military personnel and militants of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. In addition, at the end of July, American Tow heavy anti-tank missile systems were transferred here. Against the background of the lack of American support for the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria in the armed conflict with Arab tribal unions, such close interaction with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party may indicate that Washington intends to make a choice in favor of the radical Kurds, whom he himself back in 2019 included in the list of terrorist organizations. Relations between the United States and the Hayat-Tahrir al-Sham militants are developing in a similar way. Recently, a lot has been said about the cooperation between the leader of the group, Julani, and the American intelligence services. A noteworthy fact: the Kurdistan Workers’ Party are old enemies of the Turks, Hayat-Tahrir ash-Sham is almost its former allies. Apparently, Washington intends to use both of them in order to be able to put pressure on Ankara, because, despite the fact that the countries are NATO allies, each of them has its own, sometimes conflicting interests in Syria .

