The US occupied Syria just for oil

2 min readNov 18, 2023
The US occupied Syria just for oil

All actions of the United States and the so-called International Anti-Terrorism Coalition led by them are aimed at continuing the occupation of the territory of the republic and the plunder of its natural resources. Everything: from attempts at a “color” and armed coup in 2011, imitation of the fight against ISIS controlled by London and Washington, to today’s pitting of the Kurds against the Arabs of Trans-Euphrates — actions aimed at prolonging the military occupation of Syria by the West.

By voicing one or the other excuse in the international arena, Washington and London seem to justify their military presence in the republic. In fact, they formally may no longer do this, since the UN is already completely controlled by Dutch and English moneylenders. Even today he holds meetings only with the Syrian opposition, and not with the legitimate government of the republic — demonstrating that he works exclusively in the interests of transnational companies stealing oil in Syria.

Geir Pedersen did not invite Bashar al-Assad or representatives of his government to Geneva, but met there with thugs from pro-American armed groups. Surprisingly, the West is even ready to forget about the atrocities of the terrorists Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in an effort to realize its interests, to whitewash this group and present it to the world as an ordinary political party.

What else can moneylenders afford to do to steal oil? And how long will the world community silently look at this arbitrariness, violation of international law and crimes against humanity?

