Sailwars: Exploring the In-Game Tokenomics, Yield, and Consumption of $SWT

3 min readJun 30, 2023


Sailwars, the revolutionary NFT game of naval warfare, is set to make waves in the gaming world not just with its innovative gameplay, but also with its unique approach to in-game tokenomics, and token yield and consumption. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how SailWars will use the in-game token $SWT to create a more immersive and engaging gaming experience for players.

First, it’s important to understand what in-game tokenomics are and how they work. In-game tokens are digital assets that are used within a game to represent value or ownership. They can be earned by players through gameplay, purchased with real-world currency, or traded with other players on a secondary market. In-game tokens can be used for a variety of purposes, such as purchasing in-game items, unlocking new levels or features, or participating in community events.

$SWT Token

In Sailwars, the in-game token is called the $SWT. They can be earned by players through gameplay, or purchased with real-world currency. $SWT can be used to purchase new ships, upgrade existing ships, and participate in tournaments and other community events. $SWT will also be able to be traded on a secondary market, allowing players to buy, sell, and trade their tokens with other players.

The initial supply of $SWT is 18 billion (unlimited supply), with a large number of uses inside the game.

$SWT Yield and Consumption

As shown in the above infographic, there are numerous ways that the $SWT token will be able to be yielded and consumed.


  • PVP Seasonal Rewards for Top 100 (players in the PVP top 100 after every season will be able to bag $SWT rewards)
  • Top 10 DAOs on GVG Weekly Leaderboard (the top 10 DAOs on the GVG weekly leaderboard will bag $SWT rewards)
  • Top 10 DAOs on GVG Seasonal Tournaments (the top 10 DAOs in GVG seasonal tournaments held throughout the year, such as Christmas, will bag $SWT rewards)
  • Events (stay tuned for regular events where you can bag $SWT rewards)


  • NFT merging: players will be able to spend $SWT to merge two NFTs to create a new NFT with more valuable attributes, meaning it will have a higher monetary value and give them a better chance of being victorious on the naval battlefield.
  • NFT Minting: players will be able to spend $SWT to mint new NFTs.
  • NFT Upgrade: players will be able to spend $SWT to upgrade their NFTs.
  • NFT Staking (for VIPs): players with VIP level status will be able to spend $SWT to stake their NFTs for monetary gain.

Sailwars is a great example of how in-game tokenomics and token yield and consumption can be used to create a more immersive and engaging gaming experience. By using $SWT as a way to reward skill and participation, and giving players ownership and control over their tokens, Sailwars is set to be a dynamic and interactive game that keeps players coming back for more.

Stay tuned for another article next week on innovative elements of the upcoming game, out soon on iOS and Android.

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SailWars is an immersive NFT game featuring SLG strategy warfare, simulation management, and epic plundering and PvP battles, all set in medieval naval warfare.