Secret to ideal life

3 min readAug 31, 2023


Mari Pablo image

You don’t need a dirty secret to live the life you want since there is no such thing as an ideal existence, I’ll tell you that. ., everyone of us resides in shells made of perfection, Head to toe perfection, beautiful in everything, yet these pretty looking shells are so fragile, that can be broken with a little crack, and nothing is perfect, the darkness emerges, the fears are evident, trauma is shakening, and reality of ideal existence is revealed. I like the philosophy the world belives in, how you speak is how you are portrayed , two words of sympathy convey kindness, whereas, two words of bitter truth shows how insensitive you are towards situation. Though we know in the end we will come across the harsh reality, the bitter truth, but what is pleasing is pleasing. "Oh!! we are sorry about what happened with you", is more calming than some words like "Now you are all alone in this cruel world", Hence, in the end this is human nature and we can’t blame anyone, but what about intentions which all philanthropists talk about, why the theories we read are not applicable in the world we are living. It Means everything we read is pointless and just limited to the books for sometime, Actions reveal intentions, but actually it’s all about the way we communicate, no one wants to listen the truth, because we know truth is not always pleasing like a blooming flower, it can also ripe our hearts, shaken our souls, and can tear us apart in pieces. Writing this makes me feel, how desperate we are to live in a fake world, to attain self-made standards of living, concealing the harshness of life under a big lovely grin or else I say the reality of life.

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But why do we want to depict ourselves as flawless people leading ideal lives, and is this the secret to find inner peace? Does this help us in fulfilling needs of our souls? Or is this helping to overcome the complexes we have faced? Don’t be stunned, complexes, we all know we have, but what is a complex? Don’t you want to dress like the celebrity you just saw while scrolling? Don’t you want to be at the place of person receiving award of best employee? Or don’t you want to own range rover your next door neighbor is having? The picture of perfect life somehow helps us to heal those complexes in our life, seeing yourself in the eyes of those happy faces, give an immense moment of pleasure, guilty pleasure maybe, but pleasure, because it’s not you, it’s not your inner self, it’s just a painting you have created of yourself admired by everyone, but then Who are you actually??? Where are you?? Probably your inner self is too burdenized to be seen. Thus, we are all attempting to conceal our true selves in the crowd, trying to be better fake in this passing world. Maybe even writer here is simply pretending to list down facts, and is not what you see through the writings because in the end we all live in those pretty shells.

