Dr. Saima Syed Debunking Common Myths About Internal Medicine: Separating Fact from Fiction

Dr. Saima Syed MD
2 min readMay 3, 2024

Dispel Misconceptions with Dr. Saima Syed’s Insightful Analysis

In the realm of healthcare, misinformation can be harmful, especially when it comes to understanding internal medicine. As a seasoned practitioner in the field, Dr. Saima Syed MD is committed to debunking prevalent myths and shedding light on the truth behind internal medicine practices.

Myth #1: “Internal medicine is only for older adults.”

Fact: Internal medicine encompasses a broad spectrum of care, not limited by age. While internists do specialize in adult medicine, they treat patients of all ages, from adolescents to seniors. Dr. Syed emphasizes the importance of personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs, regardless of age.

Myth #2: “Internists only treat common illnesses.”

Fact: Internal medicine encompasses a wide range of conditions, from common ailments to complex diseases. Internists are trained to diagnose and manage various health issues, including chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Dr. Syed highlights the comprehensive approach of internal medicine, focusing on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diverse medical conditions.

Myth #3: “Internal medicine is the same as family medicine.”

Fact: While both internal medicine and family medicine provide primary care, they differ in focus and training. Internal medicine primarily focuses on adult medicine, while family medicine incorporates care for patients of all ages, including infants and children. Dr. Syed clarifies the distinctions between these specialties, emphasizing the expertise and depth of knowledge internists bring to adult healthcare.

By dispelling these common myths, Dr. Saima Syed aims to foster a better understanding of internal medicine and empower patients to make informed healthcare decisions. With her expertise and dedication to patient education, Dr. Syed continues to debunk misconceptions and promote the importance of internal medicine in maintaining optimal health at every stage of life.



Dr. Saima Syed MD

​Dr. Saima Syed MD is a highly accomplished and certified Internal Medicine physician with extensive experience in both clinical practice & medical research.