The Dual Nature of Human Beings

saima yasir
2 min readNov 6, 2023



Human beings are amazing creations of God, they have different behaviors and one of the most interesting side of our behavior is our dual nature. We are often divided into multiple disturbing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This dual nature makes us unique and complex individuals.

Good and Bad

Most prominent example of our dual nature is the persistent effort between good and bad within us. Humans have both aspects of behavior kindness and cruelty. We can be generous and sympathetic, but we can also be selfish and cruel. This duality is shown in our daily lives when we make choices that reflect our moral values and desires.

Reason and Emotion

One more side of our dual nature is the constant tug-of-war between reality and feelings. We have the ability to think logically, analyze situations, and make reasonable decisions. However, our emotions often affect our judgment. We might act impulsively due to anger, fear, or love, even when it may not be in our best interest.

Creativity and Conformity (conventionality)

Human beings show a dual nature when it comes to creativity and conformity. On one side, we can think outside the box, innovate, and create beautiful artworks, music, and literature. On the other side, we often follow to societal standards and expectations, and sometimes put down our creative feelings to fit in.

Selfishness and Altruism (selflessness)

Selfishness and Self-Sacrificing are two human behaviors which ultimately shows the dual nature of human beings. Selfish nature is often shown in our personal interest, to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Likewise, kindness and selflessness are behaved to help others without expecting anything from them.


To be human being, the double nature behavior is the basic part human psychology. Struggling between these two positive and negative forces of human nature make us too different, difficult, unpredictable in many ways. Accepting and understanding the dual nature can lead us to self improvement, self awareness, self growth, and also understanding the other people around us. Thus distinguishing, identifying and balancing these difficult sides of human nature can make us lead life more sensible and balanced ways to understand ourselves and others.



saima yasir

An ordinary human being who love to learn something from surroundings, from people, from things, from everything.