#3 Microsoft Azure DevOps — Setup A Team For Project in Azure DevOps.


What is team ?

  • a team is a group people who are responsible for the software devlopement
  • A team includes devlopers, QA , scrum master , PO , person respomsible for deploymnet etc.
  • a user must have Administrator level access to make chnages in team .

How to invite new member in your team ?

by default user . who created a project .

click on Invite → and invite a new member of project

added two users in the projects->

project setting -> teams ->

check added user mail . click join now in the project .

From the Orgnization settings you can add and manage users , user permissions , project permissions etc…



Sainath Mitalakar

Sainath Mitalakar | Graduate Student From SPPU Pune University INDIA | DevOps Engineer | T-Mobile USA