Ayushi Saini
8 min readJan 19, 2023

Pinnacle in its lateral meaning represents height/ the peak from where you can take off to new heights/ break the glass ceiling and in general 4 such years come in everyone life. The window of opportunity. Pinnacle cycles in Numerology represents the lessons you are meant to learn in this life span of yours. The trends that will guide your life and the challenges you would face in accomplishing the same along the way. Our life is divided into 4 pinnacle cycles and each one indicates a particular lesson that we have to work upon during that particular period. To make the utmost of our life we should aim to achieve the height the cycle symbolizes. The first pinnacle cycle starts from birth and ends till 30–35 years (depending upon your life path). The second and the third pinnacle cycles are of 9 years each and the last one stays with you for the rest of your life. The pinnacle cycles are of great impact especially the transition from I to II which not only affects us from within as well as our surroundings and which ultimately shapes the remainder of our life. Since the circumstances/ our surroundings starts framing our life for the next pinnacle in advance, by knowing the approaching pinnacle we can also prepare ourselves for those changes. Pinnacle 2 and 3 will be stronger than the time cycle you are going through at the time whereas time cycle 1 and 4 (you will know time cycle in next post) are more powerful than pinnacle 1 and 4.


First you need to calculate the age at which you will have your first pinnacle and for this you need to know what is life path and how to calculate it (LIFE PATH CALCULATION). The Age at which person will have his first pinnacle is calculated by substracting life path from 36. Let’s understand this by taking an example:

16 SEPTEMBER, 1965= 16/9/1965

Date= 16= 1+6= 7

Month= 9

Year= 1965= 1+9+6+5= 21= 2+1= 3

Life path= 7+9+3= 19/10/1

Age at which person will have first pinnacle= 36- LIFE PATH=36–1= 35

Calculation of Pinnacles-

First Pinnacle= P1= Month + Date of Birth= M + D

Second Pinnacle= P2= Date + Year= D + Y

Third Pinnacle= P3= P1 + P2

Fourth Pinnacle= P4= Month + Year= M + Y

Let’s find the pinnacles of above Date of Birth i.e. 16/9/1965

P1= M + D= 9+7=16=7 ( 16 is a karmic debt number but while calculating pinnacles karmic debt numbers are not considered so we can write 16=7 means there will be power of 7 only but if there would be a master number then it would definitely be considered, for ex- if Pinnacle would be 22 or 11 then would be written as 22/4 or 11/2 means there will be power of 22 and 4 both)

P2= D + Y= 7+3= 10=1

P3= P1 + P2= 7+1= 8

P4= M + Y= 9+3= 12 = 3

In this example, first pinnacle will occur at the age of 35, (0–35= P1)

second pinnacle period= 35+9= 44 ( at the age of 44 P2 will be at its high peak, 36 to 44 yrs age= P2)

third pinnacle period= 44+9=53 (45 yrs to 53 yrs age= P3)

fourth pinnacle period= stays for the rest of the life


This pinnacle provides with the qualities of leadership, fearlessness and creativity. Your managerial and organizing abilities are greatly enhanced. There is lot to accomplish with your own efforts and initiative. This is a period:

  • Requiring you to step forward and take action as that of a beginner
  • Not to hold back or indulge in self-pity or surrender to the circumstances
  • Your inner strength is the key to success. You cannot depend upon your family or friends for support
  • Use every talent, all your faith, the hidden gifts you possess, all your resources, individuality and capability to turn your ideas into reality
  • Your courage and vision combined with your ability to manage people and organization will bear great rewards.
  • Be careful as this period may turn you into a head strong and a self-centered person. Don’t be stubborn and listen to others before you make up your mind.
  • Draw from your inner strength, develop the muscle and will power to bounce back after all the set offs
  • It is a period of great opportunity, success and accomplishment. The need is to stay focused and believe in your dreams.


The key characteristic of this pinnacle is intuitiveness. This pinnacle cycle causes you to be extremely sensitive, understanding, instinctive and full of support and insight. To obtain the desired goals you need to be gentle and persuasive and need lot of patience. You need to:

  • Be supportive and avoid direct confrontations. Don’t be pushy and approach very subtly and diplomatically.
  • HARMONIZE- the situation and the people around you. You will be an adhesive which helps people to stay together and work towards the achievement of big and important projects.
  • Be a peacemaker and mend the rifts as you possess the insight to see right through the people’s feelings and motivation.
  • At the onset of this pinnacle period, you may feel lack of self-confidence which can lead to fear, hesitation and a feeling of inadequacy. Do not sit back and sulk. Reach out and seek support.
  • Beneath all the humbleness there is the pride which can create havoc if not kept in check
  • This pinnacle will push you towards some form of art. If you have an inclination towards any musical talent this is the right time to pursue it
  • People will greatly value, appreciate and respect you for all your understanding and the knack of reaching to the core of problems and thus creating a balance between the people and situation
  • You will have the perception and will provide listening to others but be sure not to twist the reality in order to avoid difficult situations, however tempted you might feel to do so
  • Your personality might be greatly enhanced by your eye for precision and detail which will provide you with an elegance and grace that others highly admire.


The significance of this pinnacle cycle lies in creativity. A fully expressed person in you will emerge with great artistic and creative talent. You must do whatever possible to enhance your abilities and make the most of what you possess.

  • This is the rewarding time for those under this pinnacle, who all are drawn towards writing, singing, dancing and all other forms of art. The chances to succeed are at its peak.
  • You are affable, friendly, social, fun and outgoing. All these qualities in you attract lot of friends and admirers and make you the center of attraction.
  • You have high energy levels, the ability to turn around people, encourage them, persuade them so that they are naturally drawn to work with you and for your cause.
  • Any problems that will arise during this period takes little or no effort on your part. You are able to overcome these easily. Consider yourself to be lucky to maneuver them with such ease.
  • Life is little easier in this period, which can lead to self-indulgence, lack of productivity and carelessness. Diffused focus, lack of discipline and hard work can let go the opportunities which can otherwise bring excellent results.
  • Children born under this pinnacle are to be controlled and disciplined. They should be encouraged to take some form of art that will not only motivate them but will also keep them focused.
  • Money should also be kept under control as the whimsical behavior and the impulsive action may prove to be dangerous at the later stage.
  • You can make the most of this period by managing your time and yourself and not giving away the too many opportunities that will come your way.


This number in pinnacle cycle represents hard work and with it comes responsibilities and rewards. This period will give you an opportunity to build up an organization and your abilities as a facilitator, promoter, planner and a manager will come into full force. In this cycle-

  • People around you will depend or look upon you highly. You will not only take care of them but will also be able to fulfill all your accountabilities in an improved and better away.
  • Success in this period can be achieved easily if you move in a well-balanced and proper manner. Though it will come slowly but your diligence and determination will see you through.
  • You will nurture the project you have started and at times may feel frustrated with the progress but remember a seed takes time to grow into the tree. It not only takes time but lot of patience, care and energy to see it develop.
  • This is the time which will curtail your creative talents and require you to approach in a planned, methodical, systematic, regular, efficient and detailed way. Flexibility and adaptability will be a challenge, try to be impulsive and instinctive.
  • Children born under this pinnacle will be affected by emotional and financial constraints which will force them to grow up before time. They should be encouraged to be at home, away from rough and bitter truths of life.
  • Don’t be overwhelmed with your nature of going into details and your own limitations. Things will take time to shape up.


Under this pinnacle period, you will come to know the true meaning of independence and expansion. This will give you an opportunity to move to new places meet new and fascinating people and will get introduced to their culture and traditions. This is the time to gain knowledge, learning and experience. It will be full of adventure and an opportunity to see the world.

  • You will experience a change within yourself. Your power to speak and write, your ability with words and your expressions will be considerably enhanced.
  • The circumstances will be favorable for you to gain knowledge, to work with new people and to move on and travel. The opportunities will present themselves regularly.
  • You must learn to stick to a particular career, relationship in order to provide a stability to your life. This will help you to stay grounded.
  • You should be careful not to move on meaninglessly from one job to another or from one relationship to another. This can prove fatal and can harm you as you will an easy prey to the abuses of excess food, sex, alcohol and drugs.
  • Your verbal and writing abilities if cultivated can lead you to be a good salesperson and a promoter. The communication skills you possess can take you to new heights.
  • Freedom is giving yourself completely without holding on to any person or place and getting same in return without any condition. This is something spiritual which is to be understood in totality.
  • Independence comes from limitation, so learn to accept your limits as they give you the required base which is essential for your existence and identity.


This pinnacle period brings you close to your family and friends. You will be involved with people around you in your community resulting in your accepting responsibilities and duties with an increased sense of balance and view to handle fanatical issues.

  • This is the period which settles your personal life that is getting married, starting family, bringing /adding new people in your life and with that a whole new world of relationships
  • You are the rock of your family on which your spouse and children lean on. They demand your time, attention, love, security, comfort, peace and understanding. Nobody seems to go ahead without you support.
  • This period gives you a perspective to bring justice, understanding, adjustment and agreement in situations of conflict. You should aim to bring harmony, closeness, love and warmth between all which is unique to this pinnacle.
  • This pinnacle brings with it the challenges of family life and relationships. It demands a lot of sacrifice but be careful to set the limits. You can easily be treated as a door mat in order to retain peace. Aim to achieve healthy relationship by maintaining your self -respect.
  • You should take care of your health as you can face problems….CLICK TO READ MORE

