The Power of AI: How It’s Transforming Our Lives and What We Can Learn from ChatGPT

Saint Egoist
8 min readFeb 22, 2023
Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has become a buzzword in recent years, with many people wondering what it is and how it can be used in their daily lives. At its most basic, AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognizing patterns, and making decisions.

One of the main purposes of AI is to automate tasks that are either too complex or too time-consuming for humans to handle. This can include tasks like analyzing large amounts of data, predicting outcomes, or even driving a car. By using AI, businesses and organizations can save time and resources while still being able to perform these tasks accurately and efficiently.

There are many ways that AI can be used in daily life, and these uses are constantly evolving as technology advances. Some common examples include:

  • Personal assistants: Many people use virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa to perform tasks like setting reminders, playing music, or answering questions. These assistants use AI to understand and respond to voice commands.
  • Customer service: Many companies use AI-powered chatbots to handle customer inquiries and provide information. These chatbots can handle a high volume of requests and provide quick, accurate responses.
  • Healthcare: AI can be used to analyze medical images and diagnose diseases, as well as predict patient outcomes and suggest treatment plans.
  • Finance: AI can be used to analyze financial data and make investment recommendations, as well as to detect fraud and prevent financial crimes.
  • Manufacturing: AI can be used to optimize production processes and improve efficiency in manufacturing plants.

These are just a few examples of the use of AI because AI is now basically everywhere even when we can’t see it. It is our new reality.

Overall, the use of AI has the potential to greatly improve many aspects of our daily lives by automating tasks and making them more efficient. However, it’s important to remember that AI is still a developing technology, and it’s important to use it ethically and responsibly. As AI continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how it will be integrated into even more aspects of our daily lives.

I like technology, I guess the day I got my first computer was pretty pivotal in my life. Technology is something I wanted to experience in this life for sure!

A few days ago I was flooded with messages about ChatGPT, what do I think about it? What should be done about it?

In the five days since its release, the chatbot ChatGPT has been opened more than a million times by users. Experts believe these new chatbots are poised to reinvent or even replace internet search engines like Google and Bing.

What is ChatGPT? Simple. It’s a chatbot that helps you find answers to almost any question you’d want to ask. It learns and improves by watching how you interact with it.

OpenAI, a San Francisco-based AI and research company, launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. OpenAI also created Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system, and DALLE. 2, a popular AI image and art generator.

ChatGPT is a prototype artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI which specializes in dialogue. The chatbot is a large language model fine-tuned with both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques. It is a fine-tuned version of a model in OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 family of language models.

So far, the response to ChatGPT has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising its advanced capabilities and ease of use. It remains to be seen how ChatGPT will be used in the coming years, but it’s clear that it has the potential to be a major player in the world of natural language processing.

The chatbot’s responses are frighteningly good. It formulates sentences and answers better than many people and has access to information from all over the Internet on every topic. Isn’t that fascinating? It is, but quite a few people are terrified that their entire consulting, knowledge business, the work of salespeople, consultants, lawyers, and many others will be pointless to exist. And it is true to some point.

All education system was based on memorizing things and learning in a very schematic way. Those years spent in schools I would say are lost when it comes to education itself. As a society of new humans, we need to learn how to use artificial intelligence, not foolishly compete with it. It’s useless.

Artificial intelligence has emerged because human consciousness has evolved not the opposite way and we are evolutionarily ready to use this technology. For me, AI is an amazing tool and facilitator of work in many fields. They are like free workers, only creativity limits us how we use these resources.

For me, AI is a partner, a worker. I don’t want to do, boring, repetitive deeds, or process information, I prefer AI to do it for me! AI tools are my assistants, a concierge that is ready to serve me at any time!

For those who fail to see the true human potential that goes far beyond data processing, memorization, brain, IQ, beyond human body and mind perception can feel frightening. Because in simple terms, artificial intelligence mimics the workings of the brain, human intelligence, and comes out better for it!

But my whole podcast is about the evolution of consciousness. Artificial intelligence does not have human consciousness and never will. It has access to information that it can gather from a great many sources, combine and mix, but that, to me, is not real creativity. Replacement of brain activity and thinking — yes. The brain is a processor, a computer that processes data received from other sources. It’s just a tool for the human experience. We are not thoughts or our minds, we go way beyond that.

I believe that we are creatures of consciousness, which is not only a brain thankfully, so it doesn’t scare me that a machine can replace my brain. I am rather happy about that!

The proof is that artificial intelligence does not understand jokes, hahaha!

As long as computers can’t take a joke we are safe as humanity! If you want to have an occupation in the future learn to make good jokes! Jokes come from the level of higher consciousness unless they are lame! You can also easily identify unaware people in this way. Just a tip. You already know how to recognize false prophets, they are deadly serious and can’t take a good joke.

AI can be programmed to recognize and generate jokes, but it is difficult for it to truly understand the underlying meaning and humor behind a joke.

AI systems can be trained on large datasets of jokes and their corresponding punchlines, and they can learn to recognize patterns and generate their own jokes based on this data. However, these jokes may not always be funny to humans, as they may not fully understand the context or cultural references that make a joke funny.

Additionally, a key aspect of humor is the element of surprise, which can be difficult for AI to replicate. Humans often find jokes funny because they are unexpected or go against their expectations, but it can be challenging for AI systems to understand and anticipate these expectations.

Overall, while AI can generate jokes, it may not always be able to fully understand or appreciate the humor.

And here we come to a place where people will not have to do most of the mental work that is uncreative, mechanical, repetitive, and boring in most cases.

Direct interaction through consciousness with energy creates new things that were not there before. I mean earth reality. Consciousness is the source of creation, the creative force. Consciousness activates energy that is in a free state. Machines, the human brain can only process what consciousness originally created.

As I believe we are beings of consciousness, the creators. In the image of god.

It was consciousness-raising that gave room for artificial intelligence to emerge.

As a New Human species, we are going through the evolution of our brain too. Our brain is getting better and better at processing “new information” from the “source” of consciousness, the soul, the super-soul, the god-self. Call it what you like it. Some call it channeling, for me, it is a natural communication with our true self, who we have always been, only we remind ourselves of it and embody it in the human body.

We may occasionally have flashes of “higher consciousness,” but that doesn’t mean our physical body is ready for it. Often we return to old habit patterns because our body needs time and repetition to remember, to embody the change. New consciousness.

The massive increase in consciousness also means an intense change, in reality, a rearrangement of reality. Hence we have wars, climate change, artificial intelligence, new professions, and new relationships. A new world is emerging.

People deprived of work and the meaning of its existence will either fall into depression or discover their true creativity and enter the next level of evolution.

People in truth will get to the place where they realize they are not a brain and the physical body. And the world does not create as a result of thinking and processing information.

Eventually, the development of artificial intelligence will lead to the overproduction of many resources, and free energy, we will have more than we need. This is already the case, I would say there is a distribution problem, not a resource problem. If people can have everything they need, what is there to fight for? Why are there wars, why compete? Hahhaha, I think there is still a long way to go. Well, we are in the process. Evolution doesn’t happen overnight.

AI is there to serve us, not to eliminate us, the question is whether we can take advantage of it.

We are experiencing a profound shift. This shift is bringing us a new understanding of who we are and how to be as human beings. In this time of re-discovery, the speed at which humanity is waking to its true nature is unprecedented. We have come to feel that something is happening so enormous that it goes beyond our capacity to understand it as individuals. Our past understanding of who we are may not fit our present experience any longer.

We do not know where this journey will take us, but as our world changes around us we must hold onto the hope that humanity can evolve into something better than what we have been conditioned to be by centuries.

You are a part of the most exciting time in history. For the first time in our species’ history, we are aware that there is a greater reality beyond what we see. We have come to realize that human beings and the whole world around us are more than just physical bodies, but rather spiritual beings whose consciousness can interact with the entire universe.

We are now at a turning point where humanity will face many new challenges and opportunities in this rapidly changing world. It is the great planetary awakening which means that many people will soon be ready for higher states of consciousness.

Thank you for reading!

Saint Egoist is an author, writer, entrepreneur, and coach who has gained international recognition for his contributions to the personal development and self-improvement space. His mission is to empower individuals to live their best lives and make a positive impact on the world. Through his writing, coaching, and podcasting, he continues to inspire and motivate people from all walks of life to achieve their goals and dreams.

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