Rarely used but Handy HTML tags

Adeyefa Oluwatoba
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2019


html tags

As a web developer you are expected to be fluent in many languages and frameworks. It is literally impossible to learn everything a language has to offer and easy to find yourself not utilizing the full potential of the language. Most programming languages functionalities that are not commonly explored by developers.

HTML is usually the first language most web developers learn but it’s very rare that you learn all the available tags, we mostly stick to the most commonly used ones. Today i will be looking at some obscure but very useful HTML tags. These tags are very useful in making your website accessible, they will also help you in exploring the full capabilities of HTML.

1. <acronym>

The <acronym> tag is a way to define or further explain a group of words. When you hover over text that has the <acronym> tag used, a box appears below with the text from the title tag. For example:

<p>The microblogging site <acronym title="Founded in 2006"> Twitter</acronym> has recently struggled with downtimes.</p>

2. <ins> and <del>

If you want to display editing revisions with with markup, <ins> and <del> are just the ticket. Like the name implies, <ins> highlights what’s been added to the document with an underline, and <del> shows what’s been taken out…



Adeyefa Oluwatoba
The Startup

Full Stack web developer. I love learning new thing, open to new opportunities and experiences.