Best practices for prompt engineering

Saipragna Kancheti
3 min readApr 30, 2023



Prompt engineering is a critical aspect of deep learning, particularly when working with language models like OpenAI’s GPT series. It involves designing effective prompts that guide models to generate desired outputs. In this article, we will discuss best practices for prompt engineering to maximize the performance and usefulness of language models.

  1. Understand Your Model’s Limitations: To design effective prompts, it’s essential to understand the limitations of the language model you’re working with. Familiarize yourself with the model’s architecture, training data, and potential biases. This will help you identify its strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to create prompts that capitalize on its capabilities while mitigating its limitations.

2. Be Clear and Specific: When crafting prompts, clarity and specificity are vital. Vague or ambiguous prompts may lead to confusing or unrelated outputs. Ensure your prompts are concise and explicitly state the desired outcome. If necessary, break complex tasks into simpler sub-tasks with multiple prompts.

3. Experiment with Different Prompt Formats: There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to prompt engineering. Experiment with different formats, such as questions, statements, or instructions, to determine which works best for your particular task. Testing various phrasings can also help you find the most effective way to communicate your desired outcome to the model.

4. Provide Examples: Including examples in your prompts can help guide the model towards the desired output format or structure. By providing examples, you essentially “prime” the model to understand your expectations more effectively. However, be cautious not to include too many examples, as it may limit the model’s creativity or lead to overfitting.

5. Control the Output Length: Different tasks may require outputs of varying lengths. Specify the desired output length in your prompt or use model settings to control the output length. This will ensure that the generated content is concise and focused on the task at hand.

6. Use Step-by-Step Prompts for Complex Tasks: For more complex tasks, consider using step-by-step prompts. This approach involves breaking the task into smaller, more manageable steps and providing prompts for each step. This can help ensure that the model maintains focus on the task and produces more coherent outputs.

7. Manage Model Bias: Language models may contain biases based on the data they were trained on. To minimize the impact of these biases, consider incorporating explicit instructions or guidelines in your prompts. This can help guide the model towards more neutral or balanced outputs.

8. Iterate and Optimize: Prompt engineering is an iterative process. Continuously test, refine, and optimize your prompts based on the model’s performance. Gather feedback from users, stakeholders, or experts to improve the effectiveness of your prompts further.

Conclusion: Prompt engineering plays a crucial role in harnessing the power of language models effectively. By following these best practices, you can create more effective prompts that guide models to generate high-quality, relevant, and useful outputs. As language models continue to evolve, staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and advancements in prompt engineering will be essential for maximizing their potential.



