Saiprasad Wani Patil
5 min readAug 28, 2020

“ Army of Maratha empire ”

A) Introduction :- Maratha army refers to land based armed forces of maratha empire. The army existed from 1600 to 1949 in India and further it transformed from Maratha army to maratha regiment. The formation , rise and decline of army of maratha can be classified into 3 era’s.

B) 16th and 17th Century :-

The Marathas were firstly split into different muslim sultan’s army. They don’t have any maratha ruler who can hold marathas together till 1630. The chieftains like Shahaji Bhonsle , Lakhuji Jadhav , etc. Maratha leaders were on high ranks in Muslim sultanate’s. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj , the founder of Maratha empire , raised a small but yet effective army land army. For better administration , Shivaji abolished the land grants or jagirs for military officers and started a cash salary methods for military cheiftans. During early period of Shivaji’s struggle , army was small numbering around 10,000 soldiers. But later on till the coronation ceremony of Chhatrapati Shivaji maharaj , Maratha army increased significantly numbering upto 2,00,000 soldiers. Maratha army did not carry artillery along them but were placed at mountains and forts for security. Marathas uses weapons like muskets , matchlocks , firangi swords , daggers , bows , clubs & Spears.

Maratha army in era of Shivaji was disciplined and systematic. Shivaji appointed Portuguese experts to construct cannons ( light & heavy ) for campaigns and forts protection.

Structure and Rank :-

A) Cavilary

1. Shiledar :- a shiledar bought his own horse and equipments.

2. Bargir :- lowest rank of cavilary which was provided with horse and equipments.

B) Infantry

1.Hetkari mausketers :- konkani musketeers recruited typically from konkan region , who possessed matchlocks.

2. Mavales :- foot soldiers recruited from western maharashtra.

Rank and salary of cavilary are as below , infantry has similar structure.

  • Sarnobat :- Cheif of Maratha army. He is part of council of eight in the court of King or Chhatrapati. Salary is about 4000–5000 hons per year.
  • Pancha Hazari :- holder of 5,000 troops. Salary is about 2000 hons.
  • Hazari :- Holder of 1,000 soldiers. Having salary of 1000 hons.
  • Jumledar :- Holder of 500 soldiers. Salary of about 500 hons per year.
  • Havaldar :- salary is 125 hons per year.
  • Bargir :- Salary is about 75 hons per year.

During the war of 27 years :-

During the war of 27 years with mughal emperor Aurangzeb , maratha state forces dispersed the theatre of warfare becomed in entire southern India. In this period , Marathas use to play guerilla war tactics to defend their territories and to overthrow invading mughal troops. After the death of Chhatrapati Shivaji maharaj , the poor and farmers of maratha empire joined the campaign with army to fight against invading mughals and hence the war becomed “ Public War ”. During 27 years of war , Maratha empire army increased from 2 lakh soldiers to 4 lakh soldiers till 1689 and later on upto 5 lakh soldiers at the end of War in 1707 with the death of mughal emperor Aurangzeb.

C) 18th century :-

Pre-1761 :-

Maratha army continue to use light cavilary who proved best against heavy cavilary of mughals and afgans. After 1720 , maratha troops started their expansion in north of India. Under excellent leadership of Maratha emperors and his generals & chieftains Marathas scored numerous victories in North India. Troops were mobile consist of light artillery and cavilary. Strength of Marathas were about 2,70,000 in numbers.

With the help of such mobile army Marathas shortly expanded their territories and boundaries towards north-west of India till the boundaries of afganistan. The peshwas and Chhatrapati ( emperor ) contains own army named “ Huzurat cavilary ” which contains 10,000 soldiers.

Moderisation pre-1761

Marathas found difficulties against Nizam’s of hyderabad which were using french artillery and equipments. 1750s Marathas started modernisation of army by building cannons of french technique for bigger battles and guns. Marathas appointed 10,000 new troops under guidance of Ibrahim khan gardi who was general of nizam before battle of udgir. This newly formed troops were upgraded by french techniques and French cannons which were 10 times disastrous than mughal , nizam , afgans and british techniques.

Modernisation post-1761

After 1770s Marathas were more dependent on foreign guns rather than their own. However , Chhatrapati of Maratha empire appointed some Portuguese and French experts in court for upgrading maratha artillery and troops. Marathas were gaining training from european scholars. Marathas were having different group of cavilarys.

  • Peshwa cavillary :- contains 10,000 soldiers and matchlocks.
  • Shinde cavillary :- contains 5 battalion’s and each battalion consist 4,000 soldiers and 500 sharp shooters.
  • Ambulance cavillary :- Use to treat or to supply needs in war for troops within short period of time.
  • Chhatrapati cavillary :- Consist 10,000 soldiers and 1500 shooters.

Strength of army in different era’s of empire.

  • 1650–1680 :- 2,00,000 soldiers in which 1 lakh infantry and 1 lakh cavillary.
  • 1680–1689 :- 4,00,000 soldiers.
  • 1689–1707 :- 5,00,000 soldiers.
  • 1707–1748 :- 3,50,000 soldiers.

(In 1707 , Maratha empire got splitted into two provinces mainly satara and kolhapur and hence army also split.)

  • 1748–1761 :- 4,25,000 soldiers.
  • 1761–1790 :- 6,50,000 soldiers.
  • 1790–1818 :- 8,00,000+ soldiers.