CS 371p Spring 2024: Sai Tanuj Madisetty

Sai Tanuj Madisetty
2 min readApr 6, 2024


What did you do this past week?

This past week, we finished up the OOP project and and worked with my partner to get a higher coverage for the unit tests. I also worked on some other projects for other classes.

What’s in your way?

Next week will be pretty packed with some assignments due and also with an exam. I still haven’t planned out my schedule and I plan on doing that this weekend. After next week, I should probably be a little freer.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I want to start the next OOP assignment and finish working on my Networks lab. I will also work on my research project and study for my exam. Besides that, I will probably go to the gym and play some badminton.

What did you think of Paper #11. More on getters and setters.

It was pretty interesting to read how there is another way to get info about a class without really invoking the getters and setters. It was pretty cool to see how UI design with Java is implemented using these techniques and I understand the importance of not relying on getters and setters in software development. Although, I do think that sometimes being able to rely on those will greatly simplify the code down, but might not be great for building scalable code.

What did you think of of std::vector’s move semantics and std::vector’s use of allocators? (This question will vary, week to week.)

This week was pretty interesting too as we discussed some more optimizations for our vector class. I wasn’t expecting 2 exercises in the same week but I think I understand how they work, but will watch the lecture again just to further clarify the semantics of the move() call and how copies get avoided. The use of allocators in the vector class finally tied back the concepts we learned earlier and now all the optimizations make sense.

What made you happy this week?

I had fun playing this new game called Wavelength with my roommates. Besides that, I also got to play some badminton and hang out with some old friends. I also got to sleep a lot and take some naps during the day, which made me pretty happy too.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Docker is something that was discussed in this class in the beginning, and I realized that a lot of companies rely on Docker to run containerized applications. It’s also a way for people to quickly see your application without having to do much configuration on their part. Docker has local registries and we don’t need to rely on Docker Hub too, so setting up locally is fast. I would recommend looking into it!


