Hello, my name is SAITEJA IRRINKI, and I work as a Senior DevOps Engineer in Build & Release.

Welcome to my DevOps Blog. Here you will find a collection of articles and tutorials on various DevOps topics.

Whether you are just getting started with DevOps or a pro, I hope you find something useful here.

This blog is all about my thoughts, experiences, Challanges and lessons learned in the world of DevOps.

I have been working in the IT industry and have been involved in a variety of roles including InfraStructure Provisioning, system administration and operations. In recent years I have become very interested in the DevOps movement and how it can help organisations to improve the way they deliver software.

I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and please feel free to leave any comments or questions on my Email: saitejairrinki91@gmail.com

For More Information Please Visit My WebPage 

Thanks for reading!



I’m SAITEJA IRRINKI Working as a Senior DevOps Engineer in Build & Release. Experienced in Provisioning and Managing Cloud Infrastructure.