Stop Words in NLP
All about stop words in Natural language processing along with hands-on examples.
In this article, we will learn all about stop words for Natural Language processing.
In computing, stop words are words that are filtered out before or after the natural language data (text) are processed. While “stop words” typically refers to the most common words in a language, all-natural language processing tools don’t use a single universal list of stop words.
“stop words” usually refers to the most common words in a language. There is no universal list of “stop words” that is used by all NLP tools in common.
In this article we will look at below topics:
- What are stop words
- When to remove stop words
- Pros and Cons
- How to remove stop words in python using:
* NLTK Library
* SpaCy Library
* Gensim Library
* Custom stop words
What are stop words?
Stopwords are the words in any language which does not add much meaning to a sentence. They can safely be ignored without sacrificing the meaning of the sentence. For some search engines…