Importance of Global Awareness: In Today’s World

SaiTeja Setlem
7 min readJun 30, 2023


Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

In today’s world, the idea of “us” and “them” no longer exists as every individual is interconnected and affected by global events. What happens in one corner of the world can no longer be ignored as a local problem, but is now a global issue that requires urgent attention.

The rise of hashtag world politics and the increasing threat it poses is a clear indication that globalization is not just a concept, but a necessity that needs to be implemented in action. Despite the talk of globalization, its true implementation is lacking in many aspects. It is essential for countries to come together and take collective responsibility for the problems that impact the world as a whole.

Only through cooperation and mutual understanding can we hope to address and solve the global issues that we face today.

Every event that happens anywhere in the world has a ripple effect on the lives of people living far away. We are all interconnected, and it is high time that we start acting like it. The world is facing multiple threats, and the impacts of these threats are being felt far and wide. The following examples illustrate why globalization is not just a buzzword, but a necessity that we must embrace.

The Iran hijab movement, which started in 2017, is a perfect example of how the actions of a few can have far-reaching consequences. Women in Iran were protesting against the mandatory hijab rule, which required them to cover their heads in public. The movement gained momentum, and women from all over the world started to show their support. The movement not only highlighted the plight of Iranian women but also raised awareness about the lack of women’s rights in other parts of the world.

The Afghan crisis is another example of how a local problem can quickly turn into a global one. The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan has led to a humanitarian crisis, and the world is now scrambling to provide aid to the Afghan people. The crisis has highlighted the need for women’s and children’s empowerment and has brought attention to the importance of education in building a stable society.

Pakistan’s economic crisis and the rise of terrorism are also global concerns. The country’s instability has led to a rise in extremist activities, which pose a threat not only to Pakistan but to the world at large. The country’s economic woes have also had a ripple effect on the global economy, and its failure to address its problems could have catastrophic consequences.

The Taiwan crisis is a recent example of how global powers can cause instability in other regions. China’s aggressive posturing towards Taiwan has raised concerns about its commitment to democracy and its respect for international law. The crisis has also exposed the double standards that some countries have when it comes to promoting democracy and human rights.

Climate change in Europe is yet another example of how the actions of one region can have global implications. The rise in temperatures and the increasing frequency of natural disasters have the potential to impact millions of people worldwide. The world needs to come together to address this crisis, and every individual needs to play their part in reducing their carbon footprint.

The pandemic has brought the world to its knees, and its impact will be felt for years to come. It has exposed the weaknesses in our healthcare systems and has highlighted the need for global cooperation to combat diseases. The pandemic has also raised concerns about the importance of freedom of speech and expression, and the violation of these rights in some countries.

Gun violence in the USA and mass killings in Canada are also global concerns. These incidents highlight the need for stricter gun control laws and the need for countries to work together to combat terrorism.

The African crisis, civil wars, and other conflicts in the world have led to displacement, poverty, and instability. These issues are not just local problems, but they have global implications. They can lead to the rise of extremist activities, which pose a threat to global security.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the importance of putting human lives over profits and business interests. The debate over patent rights and sharing of vaccine formulas has been a prime example of this. While some countries and pharmaceutical companies have prioritized their profits and intellectual property rights, others have recognized the need to share the formula and make vaccines available to everyone across the world.

The pandemic has shown us that in a globalized world, everyone’s problems are interconnected. What happens in one corner of the world can have ripple effects across the globe. The pandemic has impacted not only people’s health but also their livelihoods, education, and mental well-being. It has highlighted the need for international cooperation and solidarity to address global issues.

However, taking a side and pointing fingers is no longer a viable option. It is important to recognize that everyone’s true face is being highly scrutinized in this crisis, and it is time to be proactive and take action. This pandemic has shown us that no one is safe until everyone is safe. We need to prioritize the lives and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or economic status.

Moreover, the pandemic has brought to light the need for preparedness and investment in public health systems. Countries that had strong public health infrastructure were better equipped to handle the crisis than those that did not. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of investing in research and development, not only for vaccines and treatments but also for public health infrastructure, to better handle future crises.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for the world to prioritize human lives over profits and business interests. It has shown us that we need to work together, in solidarity, to address global issues. We must invest in public health infrastructure and research to better prepare for future crises. It is time to be proactive and take action, as the true face of everyone is being highly scrutinized in this crisis.

It is crucial for us to be actively aware of what is happening in the world around us, as well as taking responsibility for our own actions. Even small actions can have significant impacts, both positive and negative. We must consider whether our actions are helpful or harmful, correct or wrong, useful or useless, and understand that everything we do matters.

In a world where events happening in one corner of the world can have far-reaching consequences, it is essential for individuals to be informed and engaged. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of global cooperation, and the need for leaders and citizens to prioritize the greater good over personal interests. This has been seen in discussions around the sharing of vaccine technology and the lifting of patent rights, which would allow for greater access to vaccines in developing countries.

Globalization is not just a buzzword but a necessity in today’s world. We are all interconnected, and the actions of one can have far-reaching consequences on the lives of many. The world needs to come together to address the challenges that we face, and every individual needs to play their part in making the world a better place.

However, being active also means taking responsibility for our individual actions, and recognizing that every decision we make can have an impact. This can be seen in issues such as climate change, where individual choices such as transportation and consumption habits can contribute to a larger global problem. It is important to consider the long-term consequences of our actions, and strive to make choices that benefit not only ourselves, but also the wider community and planet.

Being active also means acknowledging and addressing issues of inequality and injustice, whether on a local or global level. This includes taking action to support marginalized communities, such as advocating for gender and racial equality, and standing up against discrimination and prejudice.

Ultimately, being active requires a willingness to engage with the world and take responsibility for our actions, both as individuals and as a collective. It means recognizing the interconnectedness of our actions and the impact they can have on others, and striving to make choices that benefit all.

PS: This article was originally published in October 2021, but it remains relevant to today’s issues. I made a few changes here and there, but the core pertains to issues from 2021 and earlier.

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SaiTeja Setlem

I'm the enigma, the ambivert geek who worships nature. I am the critter enthusiast living in a world of imagination. Ready to dive into my quirky universe?