The Ultimate Cybersecurity for Beginners CheatSheet

4 min readOct 3, 2022


I hope you all are doing damn good at in your lives, seeing you all after a long time after I published my last blog all because of my half yearly exams, but now am back with bangers stories/blogs coming up every 1–2 weeks.

So, todays blog is going to be a treasure for folks thinking to start off in cybersecurity but can not find a good foot-hold to start from, so today I bring you the ultimate cybersecurity for beginners cheatsheet…

As a beginner I found it very difficult to start but some amount of research and guidance from some experienced folks helped me out. Now you all might say “bruh I have already seen many such beginner thingies tell me something different” but as you have read it’s a damn cheatsheet not a simple tutorial telling you what is cybersecurity, types of hackers blah blah. Also, many people tell us to learn this learn that but never give appropriate resources and if they give also its very basic or paid or sometimes the language barrier comes up, this is not the case in here.

You will get to see fabulous courses both paid/free and in Hindi/English.

So, without further eating up your brains let’s begin.

Step 1 Learn networking

It’s an important part in hacking how to know how a system communicates with one another, this knowledge will also be extensively used in Network penetration testing which I’ll be telling you about not here but in future blogs.

Resources: -

1) BittenTech networking course (Hindi/free)

2) Kunal Kushwaha — Computer Networking One shot (English/free)

3) WS cube tech Networking course (a bit advanced) (Hindi/free)

4)EC council NDE (Network Defence Essentials) with free cert (English/free)

5 CompTIA Network+ (only if you want to deep dive in networking and want to make a career) (paid/English) + cert attempt

Step-2 Learn Linux

Linux plays an all mighty essential role in hacking, now some of you might say “bruh we have our lovely windows why are you making me learn this??” which is an obvious question as a beginner but let me tell you almost 50% of the backend servers run Linux kernels and doing hacking stuff is much easier as most tools, we will use are made from a perspective to be used on Linux environments, hence makes it an important rock to break.

Resources: -

1) WS cube tech Linux course (Hindi/free)

2) Hackersploit Linux essentials for hacker (English/free)

3) TCM security Linux 101(English/paid)

4) Hackittech Linux course one shot(Hindi/free)

Step-3 First step to ethical hacking

Resources: -

1) Hackittech Ethical Hacking course(Hindi/free)

2) WS cube tech EH (Hindi/free)

3) Hackersploit Pentesting bootcamp (English/free)

4) CompTIA Security+ (English/paid)

5) EC council EHE (English/free)

6) Bitten Tech EHCS bundle(Hindi/paid)

Step-4 Programming knowledge(optional for beginner) — some people might bash me for this but programming will be important not in beginner stage but as you excel in your journey you will require it as you will have to review code and find vulnerability, especially if you are going in the field of malware analysis etc programming will be a major pillar you will have to climb some programming languages I think as beginners we should know are given below and again it all depends upon you how you are going to pursue it

Step 4.1 learn Python — easy language used a lot for automation and writing your own scripts

Resources: -

1) NetworkChuck Python for hackers(English/free)

2) Bitten Tech Bit-Py(Hindi/free)

3) Bitten Tech Python for Pentesting(paid/Hindi)

4) Zaid Security Python for hacking(English/paid)

Step 4.2 learn Bash scripting — extensively used in Linux automation


1) Linuxmint Bash course(English/free)

2) Bitten Tech Bash course(Hindi/paid)

3) WS cube tech Bash course(Hindi/free)

Disclaimer!!! — It’s not important to do all of the free and paid courses given above you may 1–2 courses and gain a foot-hold, its all upon your interest….

After practicing all this you will require practice to test your skills if you want a cheatsheet on it too leave a comment….

That’s all for now, see you all next time





Intermediate level hacker interested in red teaming, web app pentesting, web3 and binary exploitation. Do read my first blog I have told everything about me :D